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The Water's Heating Up....


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GDay all,

I awoke this morning to an overcast sky and mild winds. After months of battling cold water (8 - 13 degrees) and deplorable wind conditions, we may have turned a corner. For the last two weekends now we have seen an abundance of bait in the shallows, and the occasional 'lie' of some reasonable fish.

This morning we hit our favourite spots first, and the going was very slow. I was using a 3" swimming grub in Mango Ripple, and Dene was using 2" shrimp in Nuclear Chicken. Fishing light-weight jigheads amongst the broken weed patches on the sand bars has worked for us in the past, and we stuck to this plan.

Changed locations, and the day improved immediately. I estimate we observed as many as 10 fish moving in the shallows, with most of them comfortably reaching 70cm or more. Whilst I had put a couple of table-sized fish in the esky, Dene was struggling to get any attention on his shrimp. The 'Comeback King' had a plan. :biggrin2: He tied on his trusty stealth prawn and starts peppering the shallows once again.

Now, to paint the picture for you. Up to this point, the score is 6-1 in my favour, with the 4 nice fish in the esky belonging to me as well. Dene is lamenting his lack of action, and I'm trying to cheer him up with comments like "But you're good with the landing net, mate" and " My lure seems to be working OK". :074: Moments later, the unmistakable sound of a stradic 1000 losing line in a hurry can be heard on my left.

Good flathead in shallow water = a whole lot of fun, and this fish was no exception. At one stage, Dene's fish gets close enough for us to identify her, and she is a very nice fish. She turns in an arc, and streaks off on another sizzling run .... frightening an even bigger fish out of the sand in the process! :1yikes: By now I'm leaning on the landing net handle, casually enquiry about the likelihood of Dene landing this fish within the next 24 hours, and right on cue she concedes defeat and makes her way to the net. 70cm and beautifully marked. A quick photo and she is released.


Sometime later (and several more fish for Dene including one for the esky) we decide to move location. We are standing side by side discussing possible options when a fantastic fish of approx 90cm materialises out of the sand beneath us and casually swims away. Both Dene and I commented that whilst catching big fish is a great experience, seeing them like that is a reward in itself as well. A new location is agreed upon, so off we go.

Last weekend, we fished a stretch of sheltered water that I had never visited before, and as luck would have it I managed to drop a very good fish. :( Dene suggests I "go find her" again. The score is now 6-5 in my favour, although Dene is claiming bonus points for his 70cm fish :biggrin2: I put a cast onto the very edge of a weedbank, and give the lure a tweak. Was that a barely perceptible 'tick' I felt in the line? Hmmmmm. Better give a bit of a wrist-flick just in case....

The first run is blistering and she makes a brief appearance on the surface (unfortunately I didn't see her at this stage). Dene says "Oh yeah, mate...good fish. She's not long, but she's bloody broad!" She promptly dives into the weed bank and we have a nervous tug-of-war. At one stage we are both wondering if she's snagged on something? I can't gain line and she is a constant dead weight. Dene voices the question and right on cue, she goes screaming off again. Damn .... this fish has some power.

Now every creak of the rod and click of the drag has me wondering if I will land this fish. Another 30 seconds or so and I finally get a glimse of her .... and the line is running behind her gills! A couple of nervous moments later, and some clever net work by Dene sees this little lady lying at our feet. A quick measure (77cm) and some photos and off she swims :yahoo:



What a great way to finish the morning. A great feed of fish for the family, and the score board rightfully reads 7-5 in my favour. :yahoo: Another memorable morning spent with Deno on our local water ... many thanks, mate.




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Hodgey great report again and a perfect fish to finish up with.

This is why Raider is the best fishing site in the country, good content with some little hidden tips for the good anglers to pick up on, plenty of entertainment and a couple of cracker photos :1clap:

I hope more people take inspiration from your reports like I did, it would just mean more for all of us to look at! :thumbup:


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Absolutely sensational Skip! Congrats to you and Dene. :thumbup:

A great report to read and fantastic photos too.

We are standing side by side discussing possible options when a fantastic fish of approx 90cm materialises out of the sand beneath us and casually swims away. Both Dene and I commented that whilst catching big fish is a great experience, seeing them like that is a reward in itself as well. A new location is agreed upon, so off we go.

You're right. See a big flattie "in the wild" is an amazing sight. I have only witnessed it once. It was in the Pambula River. Incredible! I'll never forget it.

I've been waiting for a report like this from you - it's about time!

Well done guys.



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Awesome catch Hodgey and Dene!

As always a very nice and informative post Hodgey, I really enjoy reading your reports.

Hopefully the missus, tin lids and I will be heading down your way about the 11th December for the weekend!

I am stunned at the quality and size of the crocs, I have NEVER caught crocs that size nor seen them swimming around, it would be an awesome experience.

Thanks again.


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That is a magic post with some ripper pics. I haven't been out out for a month due to very busy weekends with work and weddings etc. Your story has cheered me up and has motivated me to get out this weekend for some croc huntin' :1fishing1: The sight of the big girl under the boat must have been a cracker!

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Killed them again....

Any top water action yet...Josh and I are doing a Day trip to Conjola Sunday week to see if we can talk a whiting or breambo into playing on the Sugaur pens or Jaz's...

GDay mate

I have started to get some interest on the Zappas recently, and some good sized whiting have made an appearance as well. I hope to put up a top water lure post in the near future ;)



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Hi Hodgey

Great couple of session for you & Dene - just love the look of the 'land' behind you in the pic of the biggie! Great lookin' fishin' spot there!

Now, what is Dene's "Stealth Prawn'' - just his favourite, or a brand in its own right?? Congrats to Dene on hangin' in there after you'd almost cleaned out the lake!! :1yikes:

That wind is a real pain, eh? Everyone is complaining here about the general lack of fish - I really thought that the Xmas 'go slow' had started early! Heaps of smaller flatties & bream around, just not that many big ones ..... mind you, I was fishing the 'low tides' & I really prefer the rising tide & change over!

Welll done to you both - as Greg says ..... lots of little tips hidden in amongst the story! :biggrin2::thumbup:



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