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Lucky Escape - Valuable Lesson Learnt!


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Had an interesting day today and definitely learnt a valuable lesson... But i will get to that later.

1st day of my 7 weeks holiday today :1prop: so went out for the first of many days fishing. Out on the water by about 6:15 - grabbed about 20 Yakkas real easy - tried for a while for squid. Dropped one and didn't see any others, the dead low tide wasn't any help!

So headed off outside for a poke around near Bluefish. Had downrigged yakka out and surface yakka - 1st pass both rods go off. Grabbed the surface bait first as it seemed to be going harder - and boy did it go hard! I got back as much line as i could but as the bait was so far behind the boat i was struggling to stop it getting to the bottom. I could feel my leader rubbing on the bottom and then ping :1badmood:

Quickly grabbed the other rod - couple of winds and then got the dr bomb up. Felt like another good fish but the hooks pulled :1badmood:

Reset both rods and went back over the same spot - bingo another hit on the dr. Got this one in. Now i never keep undersized fish... I measured the fish 3 times to make sure - on my fisheries sticker it went a bees d1ck past 65cm so he was despatched into the esky. Had a 1 more rat before they went off the bite.

Moved on - got another rat off North Head and then another around the colours. As the tide was now higher i thought i would go back in and try for some squid. Anchored up inside south head and just as i was starting to fish a boat came over. At first i thought it was the Police coming for another check but then i realised it was NSW fisheries. They checked my licence and then asked if i had any fish.

Yes 1 King on 65 i replied. They duly measured it and had it at 64.1cm

The dialogue went something like this -

"Sir i'm sorry to tell you that this fish is undersize"

"not when i measured it" i replied.

"Well i measure it at 64.1"

"I don't disagree with you but mine says 65!"

Anyway to cut a long story short i got them to measure it on my NSW Fisheries sticker - and low and behold it was 65cm. The officer then pointed out to me that on the sticker it says that it is not a legal measure!!

In the end they let me off with a caution as they could see that i had been trying to do the right thing - but they gave me a slap on the wrist and confiscated the fish and told me that i would be receiving a formal caution in the post. It could have been a $300 fine! :1yikes:

After that i was a bit subdued - tried for squid but too windy. Set off for home and drigged a few more spots on the way home although there were sailing races going on everywhere which made things a bit frantic.

Last spot and bingo - loads of fish on the sounder - first pass and i'm on. After a good fight boated a 72cm fish which came home with me.

When i got home i got a tape measure and checked my fisheries stickers (i have one on each side of the boat). At the 65cm mark - one of them measured 64cm and one of them was even less 63.8cm! They gave me a new sticker which i put on - and that was 64 something as well!

We are only talking a few mms but it is enough to cause you to keep an undersize fish. I have now put marks with pen to use to measure off instead of relying on the sticker.

MORAL OF THE STORY... Don't rely on the sticker as it probably isn't right! You might be lucky like me and get off but they could just as easily have smacked me with the fine!

Sorry for the long report but i thought it would probably be a good thing for people to know about.

Good luck if you're heading out.

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Yeah mate ive had the same problem, I fish down at narrabeen lakes alot, mostly around the woolies bridge. There are always people there with undersized bream and flatties and it really gets me angry. If you speak to some of the people down there they will just ignore you. Feel like ringing the fisheries and telling them to come down and have a look.


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We caught a snapper in botany bay a few weeks back and it was 30cms on the fish sticker ! i left the bloody brag mat at home but when i got home i measured it again for a quick photo and it came up 29cms :1badmood:

lucky we didnt get caught buti make sure now 100 % that the bagmat is in the boat because i dont take udnersized fish and i get annoyed at people that do !

Oh well mate at least you had a good day and that bigger kingie is awesome :)

Edited by cut_loose
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Unlucky champ but it ended up okay in the end.

The supplied stickers are a guide as are brag mats printed hard plastic sticks etc

the only way to correctly measure is with a fixed rigid rule

ie like a steel rule

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Lucky Escape

But they probably realized that you were sincere when you measured it against the Sticker.

It´s good to hear that they do controls too.

Shame for the fish, but hey, you got a bigger one !!!

It´s a tough job what the Fisheries Guys have, as everyone has some kind of excuse ready,

and most fishos are probably not as polite as you are.

Well done on the big one and well done on not loosing the temper.

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No wonder there has been some bream in comps thrown back and not weighed.

We use to have one just for the 25cm mark before they go for a swim in the well, after that it all went on weights via digital scales in the boat for upgrades.

It was also weird with bream, turn the buggers over onto their other side and they measure differently :wacko:

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They have to justify those $200,000 boats.

How would you know what to do if the nice men from the government weren't there to tell you?

I forgot to say before, we also got checked by the fisheries blokes in the harbour today. I think it was 6 on board, one driving, one up the front checking our fish and one in the window talking to us. 3 sitting down out the back :thumbdown:

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Jim -

I always thought you lied about the size of the fish you catch

Now I have proof! :1prop:

I'm going to measure every fish you pull into the boat now with my own tape measure.

Seriously though - when we'd target snapper in SA the legal limit is 38cm

but we'd only take them over 40cm, as they do shrink a cm or two in the ice slurry

glad you didnt get a fine - only trophy fish this holiday season!


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Jim -

I always thought you lied about the size of the fish you catch

Now I have proof! :1prop:

I'm going to measure every fish you pull into the boat now with my own tape measure.

Seriously though - when we'd target snapper in SA the legal limit is 38cm

but we'd only take them over 40cm, as they do shrink a cm or two in the ice slurry

glad you didnt get a fine - only trophy fish this holiday season!


Agree with above. I tend to only take em if they are a couple of cm's over.

Also, be careful of your brag mats. They can also be effected by the sun as they are made of a plastic material. Remember when you would put your twisties packet in the oven and shrink it? Heat and plastic don't mix well.

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I was drifting around Gladesville a week or so ago , and was visited by the Fisheries boat. Not a licence check , just a PR visit about C&R. We got onto the subject of undersize captures , and he explained that they can give a bit of leeway , specifically if the fish in question has been placed on ice . What was perfectly legal at water temp , can be illegal after an hour or so in the esky! This is at the discretion of the officer at the time of course !

They gave me the latest issue measuring sticker ( June 2008) . Perhaps if the fish is just legal , a quick pic on your phone or camera as you measure it , to verify your belief that it was a legal capture.


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You may not be out of the woods yet, i had i similar run in with the fisheries where my fishing licence had expired by less than a week, all fish i had on board were legal size and i was doing nothing else wrong. They said they understood that i forgot to renew my licence (this was before they started sending you a reminder in the post) and that i would only be issued with a caution by mail, well the caution turned up along with a $200 fine, they will tell you anything not to have confrontation with you on the water.

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Jim's experience demonstrates the gap between doing the right thing and the actual written law. As fisherfolk we do not condone the deliberate possession of undersized fish. Nathan provides a classic example of what keeping undersized fish means to us. Fisherfolk are frustrated that Fisheries fail to enforce this common situation out of existance. I feel the time Fisheries spent on hasseling a guy clearly trying to comply with the regulation was wasted and should have been targetted against Nathans location for example.

Fisheries would think that hasseling Jim was a win. Another tick in the report column, a perfect example of success. Nine mils in 650 is a pretty small percentage to call a failure but it was below the magic number written in the law.

Hundgie's fishing fee receipt fine suggests that Head Office policy over-rules an officers discresionary powers, particularilly in a budget deficit State. None of which will make the 'bucket of baby bream' brigade extinct.

tight lines all


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I have to disagree with everyone here that has attacked the fisheries officers..

I was also pulled up by the same boat that day and checked...

I had a fishing license but the other people on my boat did not.. they then explained that the 6 rigged rods (and 2 handlines) were more than i was allowed and had a chat to me about the rules, handed license information to the others in the boat and left us with a nice 'info pack' and a 'goodluck'.

They recognised that the guests in my boat werent regular fishers and they chose to educate us rather then do a bit of fundraising.

hat goes off to the officers as one of the guests on the boat said 'i should probably get a license now' and another , my girlfriend, is asking me about how much they cost to get.

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Guys, I'm totally shocked. I had no idea that the fisheries sticker we use to measure fish is inaccurate.

How can it say that it's only a guide when it's primary function is to provide information to us to aid us in making a decision as to whether or not the catch is legal?

We depend on the sticker. Failure to comply means we are financially punished.

It can be argued that the sticker is not fit for purpose and a disclaimer like that - would it be legal ?

At the end of the day, the onus will end up on us to ensure our catch is legal length.

I'm going to mark mine with a permanent pen now.

As for the catch shrinking in the ice slurry - I was aware of that and won't keep fish until they are at least 1cm over the limit.

As for DPI officers, I have met some very nice, friendly ones, genuinely looking to educate and inform us fishers. I have also met some draconian ones (men and women) who treated me like I was stealing their fish and spoke to me in a very condescending tone. Each group of officers obviously see their role differently - some believe they REPRESENT the law, while others believe they ARE the law.....

All we can do is find the holes in the system, fix them, abide by the rules and hope for the best.

Jeez if you want to open a can of worms, ask them the definition of a pre-rigged rod. If you are fishing alone, with 4 rods in the water and a spare rod or two ready to go in case you get busted, then that is another discussion waiting to happen.....apparently you can't have pre-rigged rods...then ask them about prerigged lures, with or without the squidgie rubber tail....I'm gettign a headache now...PANADOL SOMEONE?

Edited by Keflapod
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I have to disagree with everyone here that has attacked the fisheries officers..

I was also pulled up by the same boat that day and checked...

I had a fishing license but the other people on my boat did not.. they then explained that the 6 rigged rods (and 2 handlines) were more than i was allowed and had a chat to me about the rules, handed license information to the others in the boat and left us with a nice 'info pack' and a 'goodluck'.

They recognised that the guests in my boat werent regular fishers and they chose to educate us rather then do a bit of fundraising.

hat goes off to the officers as one of the guests on the boat said 'i should probably get a license now' and another , my girlfriend, is asking me about how much they cost to get.

As a fisho, you should have known better that they sell 1 day passes for this reason ... BUT that's good to hear that they did not crucify you for it :)

Jim, maybe your sticker shrunk .. :1prop: Sounds as though it ended up OK.

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.... turn the buggers over onto their other side and they measure differently .....

Thanks for that tip, Greg!! Must remember it, next time I am in a photo/release comp!! If it's a 'measure at base' comp, are you allowed to ask for it to be measured on both sides, if the first measure comes up .1cm short?? God knows that happens often enough in comps!

Ah well, it is a timely wake-up call to all fishos, to check their measure device is legal & make sure that their 'take home' fish are at least 2cm over 'legal' to allow for any shrinkage of fish, tapes or brag mats! I will check both my plastic rulers against a Builders Measure & make sure they are OK too!! :wacko:

Gee, it would have been a bit crook if you had been pinged for that, given that it was the Gov Tape that you were using! I usually use the 'WOW!' factor when keeping fish - you see the fish & just know automatically that it is well above the 'legal' length! I figure, if you feel you have to measure them, they are probably too small to keep anyway!

We now have 2 permanent Fisheries officers in Forster (not that I see them on the water THAT often,) but I do have both their mobile numbers, in case I spot something 'untoward' going on in the lake! :wacko: We see the Waterways guy on the lake quite a bit tho, checking for lifejackets etc.



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I think we all should take notice from this and double check our measuring devices

and make appropriate changes.

Do it on one of those days we stay at home(alcohol free days).

Glad they let you off.I`ts not too often they do that.

Good comment about shrinkage of fish and add 2cm.

TRY smoking the kingfish you`ll be very surprised how yummy it is.

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