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I Got The Jewfector.

marcel haber

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Hello to all,

Had another session with my brother and his son.

Decided to hit the water and fish after the southerly swept through on Saturday afternoon.

Once again the pressure was on to produce the goods - and that is what we did.

Had a great session and with my brothers superb netting skills we were able to work together and capture 3 jew(the jewfector)

My rod come up trumps on all three occasions with my twin brother losing a good sized one after a short battle.

With back to work around the corner it was great to add these to my tally.

Twin 1




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The Jewfector could have easily been THE FIRST 4 :mad3: , not to worry bro. We had a great time out on the water , we had a good dinner and a yummy breakfast. :thumbup:

The big one :1yikes: is around the corner bro, and it is only a matter of time when we will both experience the moment we have been waiting for.

Thankyou for a top day out.

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Hi Marcel it's good to see you and Ray now starting to catch jewfish on a regular basis :thumbup: It can be tough going out there especially when you and Ray put so much time and effort into fishing all the known spots in Middle Harbour and then try and work out what you consider to be the most likely spots, when the truth is they're simply not there.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Thanks to all for all the kind words.

It is good to have some luck for a change.

Half the battle is to think like the fish and work out their habits and locations.

I have fished many a spot as Jewgaffer has stated which I thought would make good jewie spots only to come home empty handed - also just because we visit a spot and get no results who's to say that at a different time of the day or different month this spot may hold jew.

It is all trial and error , so just get out there and give it your best shot..

Twin 1. :beersmile:

Edited by twin1
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