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Big 2 Days.


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I just wanted to wish my beautiful wife, Diana, a very happy 17th wedding anniversery. :action-smiley-031:

Yes darling, you would have got less if you necked me all those years ago! :-rolleyes

5 yrs ago I forgot our anny & sent her into premature labour! So :1happybday: to my youngest son, Lucas.

So it's been a big w/end & last couple of days for the Jewhunter family! :1gathering:



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Many Happies, Lucas - hope you got a lot of fishy things for your birthday ..... and Diana (& Grant) - happy anniversary!! Us girls know how to get it right ....... NOT!!

.....Ahhh a man after my own heart,I love to see a grown man grovelling... :074: :074:

Neither Keith nor I can remember the date or year of our wedding ...... I gave a party to celebrate our 10th anniversary ... and it was only our 9th! Then, I thought we'd been married 25 years, but it is only 23!! We are both useless!!! :tease:



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