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touchy topic maybe, but here goes. Rex Hunt, now put his bad publicity/foolishness aside for a while, ignore it, it is not the topic.

But, how does his programmes compare with the current shoal of fishing programmes. personally i find the current bunch, lacking, more of a 'look at me i'm catching fish and getting paid for it' rather than the Rex instructional 'this is fabulous fun and this is how you do it'. I think Rex should make a come back. Now, Jackie and i migrated to Australia 6 years ago, and the major inspiration for our initial holiday and subsequent epic move, was watching Rex, and Bush Tucker Man on the satelite tv. Rex made fishing look awesome fun, and Les made the bush and bushcraft look amazing, both were spot on, and huge ambassadors for Australia. it has taken some time for us to get on our feet, and I became interested in prospecting, fishing taking a back seat for a while, but now it is dusted down and firmly on the front seat. I'm just interested in rex's fishing adventures, and what influence he had on the fishing scene.

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I agree to an extent, the earlier seasons of i fish i found to be pretty instructional. Gave me lots of ideas seeing them try different rigs in different situations and catch fish. Now that its just Paul it has gone a little bit more to the way of look at me but there is still the occasional instructional trial of a new rig etc. But yeah i cant stand hooked or fishing WA or any of those blokes

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Agreed. tho I still tape any of them that I see advertised, to watch them later, if I remember to!! We don't have HD TV yet, and a few of them are only available on HD now, so I don't even know what I', missing!!!!

There was one show (by a gentleman who is well known for catching barramundi in the NT) that had SO MUCH gratuitous use of females, that even I stopped videoing it! :puke: It always amazed me that whilst the blokes were all covered in long trousers & long sleeved shirts & wide brimmed hats, the girls (I wouldn't call them 'women') had to wear skimpy bikinis! Totally inappropriate for the weather up in the NT, even apart from the sleaziness of it all!! At least they have documented evidence of where their possible skin cancers probably started!

Rexy (even tho he has done some SILLY things) is still the main fishing icon, famous all round the world for his 'kiss the fish & put it back'! I bet he has influenced a lot of overseas fishos who now probably put back a lot more fish as a result of watching Rex Hunt Fishing on Sky/Foxtel in their own countries.

Some of the shows aren't even 50% fishing!! Dumb!! I guess a lot of the guys are out there making the DVD series, as they get paid directly for those ....... the fishing shows on TV apparently have to PAY THE NETWORK to put them on!! THen they have to find the advertising to recoup what they've had to pay out in the first place!!??

If they put Rexy's show back on, I reckon I'd tape it all over again!!



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I agree to an extent, the earlier seasons of i fish i found to be pretty instructional. Gave me lots of ideas seeing them try different rigs in different situations and catch fish. Now that its just Paul it has gone a little bit more to the way of look at me but there is still the occasional instructional trial of a new rig etc. But yeah i cant stand hooked or fishing WA or any of those blokes

Ah I missed the earlier i fish, only seen Paul solo, I think to enjoy Hookline requires a particular sense of humour :wacko: , still i bet a lot of the 'raiders were brought up on Rex

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Ifish is way worse without lee rayner. Fortunately he had a new show adventure bound and it is by far the best fishing show on TV. Youtube some of the clips. Scott gray is also really helpful.

when is adventurebound on and what channel is it on?

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when is adventurebound on and what channel is it on?

Free to air channels 31 or 44 on digital Friday night 8:00PM AND ON 7:30 just before is the guy from New Zealand who catches marlin from the helicopter. That guy is the king of marlin fishing

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Adventure Bound is on TVS. They have recently gone digital, but i don't know about foxtel digital.

I never missed an episode of Adventure Bound when the late Neil Tedesco was presenting. He was a great presenter and detailed all the techniques behind catching fish. I basically learnt all about fishing for kingfish, improved calamari techniques, new knots, an appreciation of the differnces between different types of lines etc. Unfortunately since he passed away it has become a bit more like the other programs which i find just show off them catching fish in exotic places. Nonetheless it is still a bit more informative.

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When I used to watch fishing shows there were only 2 choices back then, you could watch Rex or Malcolm Douglass... and both are legends in my eye's- I still watch Rex's DVD's over any other and I have a few to choose from... (including xxxxxxxxxxx, Dave B, Greg Joyes and some LBG guys who I dont really remember the names of, and some of the squidgy secrets)

I used to watch various shows and of the more recent ones I think Escape with ET is one of the beter ones and I like the tackle tips and 4WD tips presented in it... but you're right they aint no Rex or Mal...

Maybe Rex and the Leyland Bros could do an old skool reunion and show all the new shows presenters how to put on a show.

Edited by wannabefisho
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Adventure Bound all the way, no nonsense, best locations around australia and very informative fishing advise. Their earlier series was amazing!!!!!

And for Dave B, how that guy has a fishing show is beyond me! I feel sorry for poor charter blokes who have to put up with that guy everytime he films a show.....All the gear and no idea!!!

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Yep - I was brought up watching my name sake & it was Rex who made me want to go fishing. & the late Malcolm Douglas was also a favorite of mine. Unfortunatly there is only 1 Leyland brother left.

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I cannot get enough of Hook, Line and Sinker. Funny, and as well as they do target different species. Not every fisherman has an 25ft cruiser, goes a thousand miles offshore catching big sportsfish. This is what the majority of the other shows seem to concentrate on. I'd much rather see fishos getting bream and flathead etc on SPs up the rivers than 50kg mack tuna being hauled over the side.


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I watch most of the fishing shows on Foxtel. The shows scenery is usually good, plenty of fished are landed by the host, and that’s about it. I do get frustrated that there are almost zero instructions on the art of fishing on the various shows. I need all the help I can get!

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Ok, I reckon Adam "Mad Dog" Royter is hilarious, he's a pro from Pure Fishing and does some of their DVD's.

The guy is funny, acts the clown at times, grab one of their DVD's and check him out, very knowledgeable and interesting to watch.

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I cannot get enough of Hook, Line and Sinker. Funny, and as well as they do target different species. Not every fisherman has an 25ft cruiser, goes a thousand miles offshore catching big sportsfish. This is what the majority of the other shows seem to concentrate on. I'd much rather see fishos getting bream and flathead etc on SPs up the rivers than 50kg mack tuna being hauled over the side.

I 100% Agree Rick those fellas are pretty funny on Hook , Line and Sinker. Lets face it they are probably not the most experienced fishos but at least they make it feel like you have the same chance as them to catch the fish they catch. As for Fishing WA and there is another show I think the guys name is Jason something, I would watch Dave B on hooked before these Clowns.


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