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Fishin With Dad @ The Entrance


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Hi Everyone,

After spending all day at kindy my mum picked me up and drove me down to The Entrance and I got to jump on Dads boat and have a quick fish before it got to late.

Well we went in the channel and fished near the bridge. I told Dad I was using his special rod & reel and he put on a peeled prawn for me and cast it into the water and straight away I was getting bites, within a few minutes I caught my first fish, put up a decent fight for a 4yr old kid :biggrin2: . Another cast goes out and i'm onto my second small fish, a quick photo and a bit of teasing Dad and i'm fishing again, lost a few baits to sneaky fish that were stealing my bait but hooked my third fish eventually. Dad spoiled my fun as it was getting late and we had to go home so I could have my junk food fix "Maccas" and go to bed.

Final score was... Me-3 Dad-0, I rubbed it in and gave my old man some pointers on how to fish, hopefully he'll listen to me next time. :1prop::074:

Here's two photos Dad took on his phone of some of my catches.

post-15557-084520400 1288131007_thumb.jpgpost-15557-024822800 1288131036_thumb.jpg



Edited by Fezza Jnr
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Way to go Cam, outfish the old man hey, I'm sure as you get older that will become a regular occurance.

Leo, how good is it taking the young fella out in the boat. Can't wait for my little mate to get a little bit older so we can piss off together and leave mum at home.



Oh, cam nice fish too buddy. Can't wait to have a fish with you mate, maybe you can give me a few pointers...

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Hi Mercer,

I keep telling Dad I know better but he never listens to me, probably why I always catch more fish than him :thumbup:

We'll come see you soon when we're down your way next, maybe sneak out for a fish :1fishing1:



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There's nothing better than takin my little one fishing, he loves it, hopefully his little sister will love fishing as much as him.

Little does he know that I stayed out last night and cleaned up on whiting, i'll let him keep thinkin he out fished me and he won't even know when he gets fish for dinner tonight, kids are so much fun :biggrin2:

Just gotta teach him to cast his own rod and help me clean the boat afterwards.

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Good work Cameron... outfishing the old man- Priceless!

Maybe in a few more outings Dad will finally listen to ya and he might even get a few, lol... Some people take a bit more time to convince than others... Im sure Dad is proud as punch- I know I would be if my Josh was outfishin me, and Im expecting it to happen sooner rather than later.

Tight lines



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Hi Everyone,

After spending all day at kindy my mum picked me up and drove me down to The Entrance and I got to jump on Dads boat and have a quick fish before it got to late.

Well we went in the channel and fished near the bridge. I told Dad I was using his special rod & reel and he put on a peeled prawn for me and cast it into the water and straight away I was getting bites, within a few minutes I caught my first fish, put up a decent fight for a 4yr old kid :biggrin2: . Another cast goes out and i'm onto my second small fish, a quick photo and a bit of teasing Dad and i'm fishing again, lost a few baits to sneaky fish that were stealing my bait but hooked my third fish eventually. Dad spoiled my fun as it was getting late and we had to go home so I could have my junk food fix "Maccas" and go to bed.

Final score was... Me-3 Dad-0, I rubbed it in and gave my old man some pointers on how to fish, hopefully he'll listen to me next time. :1prop::074:

Here's two photos Dad took on his phone of some of my catches.

post-15557-084520400 1288131007_thumb.jpgpost-15557-024822800 1288131036_thumb.jpg



well done little fellow

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Hi Everyone,

After spending all day at kindy my mum picked me up and drove me down to The Entrance and I got to jump on Dads boat and have a quick fish before it got to late.

Well we went in the channel and fished near the bridge. I told Dad I was using his special rod & reel and he put on a peeled prawn for me and cast it into the water and straight away I was getting bites, within a few minutes I caught my first fish, put up a decent fight for a 4yr old kid :biggrin2: . Another cast goes out and i'm onto my second small fish, a quick photo and a bit of teasing Dad and i'm fishing again, lost a few baits to sneaky fish that were stealing my bait but hooked my third fish eventually. Dad spoiled my fun as it was getting late and we had to go home so I could have my junk food fix "Maccas" and go to bed.

Final score was... Me-3 Dad-0, I rubbed it in and gave my old man some pointers on how to fish, hopefully he'll listen to me next time. :1prop::074:

Here's two photos Dad took on his phone of some of my catches.

post-15557-084520400 1288131007_thumb.jpgpost-15557-024822800 1288131036_thumb.jpg



Go cameron :thumbup: Top quality outing with dad and coming up with the goods :1yikes: gotta give dad some tips mate.


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