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Team Rayhutch Out Off Broken Bay

Ray R

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:biggrin2: Hi Raiders, Hutcho and I decided to go for something a bit different today. We went out a few K's from Box Head to do a deep water flathead drift.

We were flying blind so when we spotted a few boats out further we headed out that way towards them.

We pulled up a couple 100 meters from the boats and we started our bottom bashing, and we started getting bites on our squid strips straight away.

We were stoked to find that they were flatties of a reasonable size, we were in 55 meters of water so it was a fair haul up.

The fish were coming into the boat at regular intervals and it was a lot uf fun. There were also small ones that when released seemed to head back

down okay, I thought that coming up from the deep water may have been a bit much for them.

Anyway about 10:00am we started to head back to the Box and along the way we saw a few whales and pods of dolpinns, love seeing these guys..

About half an hour later at Box Head we see a massive school of salmon, there was gazillions of them, I couldn't resist, I had to have a quick throw

and scored myself one which at around 70 odd cms gave my little stradic a good work out, he was netted and released.

We only had a short time left to fish so Hutcho and I had a quick flick for a Dusky along the Ettalong sand bar and my first cast scored a nice fish.

Time for fishing had evaporated and it was back to the ramp for some flattie filleting, Hutcho and I had a great morning and it was a blast to try

something different although still only flatties it was great to be out there and score ourselves a nice feed... :thumbup:

Acres of salmon

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Lobster Beach

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Blue spotted, Dusky and the one top right dunno..

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Hutcho fillet man, (No diving today LOL)

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Nice as usual ray,you seem to be the flat head wisperer,nice day out wasnt it ,we were out around brissy water but didnt venture out side the misses still freakes out,nice flatty haul must say,i too love the old lizard.will look out for ya next time ,catch ya.:1fishing1:

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Great work again team Rayhutch! :thumbup:

Fantastic feed there boys!

By the look of the big eyes on that flattie, it might be a Tiger flathead. Usually they have orange coloured spots and "teeth". I caught a few yesterday, but none were more than about 25cm.

That big salmon would have been interesting. I've never caught one that big, but can imagine how it would fight!

Great report and excellent photos Ray! :thumbup:



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By the look of the big eyes on that flattie, it might be a Tiger flathead. Usually they have orange coloured spots and "teeth".

Yeah thanks Pete, we had not seen one like him before..(a better image for I.D)

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theres nothing wrong with hauling in a good feed of flatties , we saw a couple of whales last week in between lion island and palmy light house heading towards flint&steel , strange i thought? anyway top read and good pics :thumbup: to the both of you

cheers paul.

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:biggrin2: Hi Raiders, Hutcho and I decided to go for something a bit different today. We went out a few K's from Box Head to do a deep water flathead drift.

We were flying blind so when we spotted a few boats out further we headed out that way towards them.

We pulled up a couple 100 meters from the boats and we started our bottom bashing, and we started getting bites on our squid strips straight away.

We were stoked to find that they were flatties of a reasonable size, we were in 55 meters of water so it was a fair haul up.

The fish were coming into the boat at regular intervals and it was a lot uf fun. There were also small ones that when released seemed to head back

down okay, I thought that coming up from the deep water may have been a bit much for them.

Anyway about 10:00am we started to head back to the Box and along the way we saw a few whales and pods of dolpinns, love seeing these guys..

About half an hour later at Box Head we see a massive school of salmon, there was gazillions of them, I couldn't resist, I had to have a quick throw

and scored myself one which at around 70 odd cms gave my little stradic a good work out, he was netted and released.

We only had a short time left to fish so Hutcho and I had a quick flick for a Dusky along the Ettalong sand bar and my first cast scored a nice fish.

Time for fishing had evaporated and it was back to the ramp for some flattie filleting, Hutcho and I had a great morning and it was a blast to try

something different although still only flatties it was great to be out there and score ourselves a nice feed... :thumbup:

Acres of salmon

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Lobster Beach

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Blue spotted, Dusky and the one top right dunno..

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Hutcho fillet man, (No diving today LOL)

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well done

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Thanks for the close up photo of your flathead Ray.

I reckon it's a Tiger Flathead for sure.

Here a picture from the Primary Fisheries site and the related info.

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Distribution - Tiger flathead are found from the NSW north coast south through to Portland in Victoria, including Bass Straight and Tasmania. This species is predominantly found offshore but tiger flathead also inhabit shallow coastal bays. Tiger flathead are more common south of Nowra.

Size - Maximum of 3kg and 65cm in length.

Characteristics - Bright orange/brown spots on the head and body, with red/brown spots on upper half of the tail. They have large teeth on the roof of their mouth and a sharp spine on each side of the head. Considered good eating.

Confusing species - The reddish/orange spots on the head and body separate this from other flathead.



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