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107Cm King On 6Kg Tackle

brendo B

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hi fishraiders headed out sunday on a charter from husky wharf went and got 20 livies then headed straight out to get amongst the kings there was 8 guy fishing bottom with bait on and 2 with soft plastics on 6kg rods 15kg m ain line and 6kg leader first drop bang my cousin was on to a monster king on the light tackle we cleared the other lines so we could fight this thing 2hrs later he pulls in a 107cm 15kg king on 6kg tackle what an awesome fight in the end of the day we got two kings 10 snapper one went 6kgs 4 trevally 5 flathead 3 jackets

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Well Done.

15KG Main Line with 6kg Leader just doesnt sound right......

And 2 hours to pull up a 15kg king also doesnt sound right....

yeah you are right we dont think the skipp had the drag up enough cause in the end me and my cousin got jack of it and tightend it up ourselfs the skipp would let us touch it then 2 min later it was in maybe if we had done it 45 min before it would been boatside who knows but he had some big runs everytime we got him close to the boat he would take off again

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Nice fish and a great effort on that light gear... But there is no way that that fish is 15 Kg.

More realistically it could have been 15lbs, which is about 7kg, which judging by the size of it looks about right.

Anyway - whatever, good fish, would have been a nice bonus when you probably weren't necessarily targetting them.

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That is a nice fish mate. But like every1 else has said i dnt think that that is a 15kg fish, i have been lucky enough to catch 1 that was 15kg & it measured 130cm>

But great fish :thumbup:

Cheers Grant

understandable how people could be sceptical ill know next time to get a photo of the wieght as it was a very fat thick mutha we all had bets as it was getting gaffed no one said 15 kgs put it that way thanks for the good post anyway mate

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