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Brisbane Waters


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Let me start by saying that I have been chasing jew's on and off for 2 years without sucess.

So I planned a trip with Stu (wher'd all the fish go)for Friday to do a bit of rock hopping but I was informed that he was only allowed out to play once this weekend, so decided to take the boat out on Saturday instead. I ended up getting bored at home Friday evening so decided to go for an hour and landed 13 bream which a few were released and the remainder given to my neighbours and baby sitter.

I freaked the babysitter out a bit as when I got to her place the fish were still alive in the bucket. Just as she looks in one of the bream flips out and gives her a mighty scare. I couldn't contain myself laughing. Very funny to me.

I got home, had one too many beers and forgot to set my alarm for the morning session with Stuart.

5.45 am the phone rings and for a second I thought it was a work day (someone calling in sick).

'Where are you', asks Stu.

'I'll be 5 mins' I reply, jumping out of bed, realising I was still dressed from the night before.

I make my way to the ramp and we quickly decide on our plan of action for the day. With the high tide about 8am I say lets try the rip for a jew.

Armed only with plastics and other assorted lures we try a few drifts for nothing.

Flick, flick...........pause. Flick, flick, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

F*$@ mate, I'm on.

The little Pfluger MG reel was screaming and I quickly tell Stu to start and turn the boat. Stu leaps into action, the reels still screaming, and I start to tighten the drag as I'd lost over half my spool. A few big head shakes and ping.

Elation turns to frustration. I lost a decent Jew.

We continue drifting for a bit realising that someone (not me) had forgotten the landing net.

A few tailor start busting up around us, so I put on a 10g slug and land a nice tailor of about 40cm.

We decide to use Stu's casting platform as a net. (milk crate)

Stu's crate duties were A1.

A few more drifts and we were nearly back at the first bust off spot, and right on que, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

I'm on again. A good run and I turn the fish knowing that I've hooked something decent. I'm praying for a Jew.

Anyway I ask Stu to get ready with the net, I mean crate.

Up comes the leader knot, knowing I had about 2m of leader on, thinking not long now.

I see a flash of silver and the fish dives again, I act all calm and tell myself to take my time. I turn the drag down a touch and then start bringing the fish up again. I see silver again and it get's bigger and bigger till I can feel my heart in my throat. With Stu ready with the crate i swim the fish towards it and 1st pop in she goes. Stu man handles the crate back into the boat the fish half in, half out due to it's size.

Hi five's, hand shakes a few woo hoo's and I nearly shed a tear. My first Jew ever, and caught on a plastic.

83cm, est weight 5ish kg. I'll weigh her later and let you know.

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Anyway we keep fishing for a bit and Stu's on to a nice flatty of about 65cm. He gets her to the boat and my crate skills were a little average and the fish freaks and hook pulled. Now I had two tries to crate the fish, but it's no net at the end of the day.

About a half hour passes and we decide to change where we were drifting. I deployed my plastic again and I don't even think it hit the bottom. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

This was a big fish, running very, very hard. I I knew in my heart that I wouldn't be able to stop it. I try to put some hurt on this fish to turn it but it was to strong and ping again.

My heart was racing, but I look into the boat at the one I had already landed and I was ok.

It was nearing time for me to get my son to swimming lessons so we start heading back to the ramp and we come across a nice looking spot and decide to have one more drift.

Lures deployed, it takes less than a miniute befor Stu's onto a nice fish. It didn't put up much of a fight, but was a 72cm flatty, and fat too. I grab the leader and swim her straight into the crate. Woo hoo's and high fives, and Stu's broken his duck on plastics. What a way to start.

I look at the time again and say, one more drift again. I know, I sound like a broken record.

We start drifting again and in no time I'm on again. Not much of a fight but there was a bit of weight there, so I called it for a flatty. I swim her to the crate and Stu's managed her in the boat again. Way to go Stu.

70cm flatty on the last drift of the day. Beaudy mate.

Anyway, times up and I gotta go home.

Thanks for the great mornig out Stu, I told you we'd do ok today, even though I was late..

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Edited by Mercer007
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Let me start by saying that I have been chasing jew's on and off for 2 years without sucess.

So I planned a trip with Stu (wher'd all the fish go)for Friday to do a bit of rock hopping but I was informed that he was only allowed out to play once this weekend, so decided to take the boat out on Saturday instead. I ended up getting bored at home Friday evening so decided to go for an hour and landed 13 bream which a few were released and the remainder given to my neighbours and baby sitter.

I freaked the babysitter out a bit as when I got to her place the fish were still alive in the bucket. Just as she looks in one of the bream flips out and gives her a mighty scare. I couldn't contain myself laughing. Very funny to me.

I got home, had one too many beers and forgot to set my alarm for the morning session with Stuart.

5.45 am the phone rings and for a second I thought it was a work day (someone calling in sick).

'Where are you', asks Stu.

'I'll be 5 mins' I reply, jumping out of bed, realising I was still dressed from the night before.

I make my way to the ramp and we quickly decide on our plan of action for the day. With the high tide about 8am I say lets try the rip for a jew.

Armed only with plastics and other assorted lures we try a few drifts for nothing.

Flick, flick...........pause. Flick, flick, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

F*$@ mate, I'm on.

The little Pfluger MG reel was screaming and I quickly tell Stu to start and turn the boat. Stu leaps into action, the reels still screaming, and I start to tighten the drag as I'd lost over half my spool. A few big head shakes and ping.

Elation turns to frustration. I lost a decent Jew.

We continue drifting for a bit realising that someone (not me) had forgotten the landing net.

A few tailor start busting up around us, so I put on a 10g slug and land a nice tailor of about 40cm.

We decide to use Stu's casting platform as a net. (milk crate)

Stu's crate duties were A1.

A few more drifts and we were nearly back at the first bust off spot, and right on que, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

I'm on again. A good run and I turn the fish knowing that I've hooked something decent. I'm praying for a Jew.

Anyway I ask Stu to get ready with the net, I mean crate.

Up comes the leader knot, knowing I had about 2m of leader on, thinking not long now.

I see a flash of silver and the fish dives again, I act all calm and tell myself to take my time. I turn the drag down a touch and then start bringing the fish up again. I see silver again and it get's bigger and bigger till I can feel my heart in my throat. With Stu ready with the crate i swim the fish towards it and 1st pop in she goes. Stu man handles the crate back into the boat the fish half in, half out due to it's size.

Hi five's, hand shakes a few woo hoo's and I nearly shed a tear. My first Jew ever, and caught on a plastic.

83cm, est weight 5ish kg. I'll weigh her later and let you know.

post-10077-043304800 1292641726_thumb.jpg post-10077-060930000 1292641742_thumb.jpg

Anyway we keep fishing for a bit and Stu's on to a nice flatty of about 65cm. He gets her to the boat and my crate skills were a little average and the fish freaks and hook pulled. Now I had two tries to crate the fish, but it's no net at the end of the day.

About a half hour passes and we decide to change where we were drifting. I deployed my plastic again and I don't even think it hit the bottom. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

This was a big fish, running very, very hard. I I knew in my heart that I wouldn't be able to stop it. I try to put some hurt on this fish to turn it but it was to strong and ping again.

My heart was racing, but I look into the boat at the one I had already landed and I was ok.

It was nearing time for me to get my son to swimming lessons so we start heading back to the ramp and we come across a nice looking spot and decide to have one more drift.

Lures deployed, it takes less than a miniute befor Stu's onto a nice fish. It didn't put up much of a fight, but was a 72cm flatty, and fat too. I grab the leader and swim her straight into the crate. Woo hoo's and high fives, and Stu's broken his duck on plastics. What a way to start.

I look at the time again and say, one more drift again. I know, I sound like a broken record.

We start drifting again and in no time I'm on again. Not much of a fight but there was a bit of weight there, so I called it for a flatty. I swim her to the crate and Stu's managed her in the boat again. Way to go Stu.

70cm flatty on the last drift of the day. Beaudy mate.

Anyway, times up and I gotta go home.

Thanks for the great mornig out Stu, I told you we'd do ok today, even though I was late..

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well done mate

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very nice mate ive fished the rip for a year and a half and only managed bream and taylor so nice job maybe ill try plastics next time if u dont mind what type of plastic were u using and what jig head ill be out there quite a few times this chrissy so im hoping to break my duck egg

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