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Sydney surface action


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G'day all.

Just got back from our Sydney-Melbourne holidays.

Had 4 days in Sydney & of course I had to fish for 2 of them! :biggrin2:

Day one was with my good mate Mick in his hornet on the Harbour.

Mick had taken the day off as he really wanted to get my young bloke, Jayden, aka J.J, on to some fish.

He had fished it a few days earlier & found plenty of bonito & rat kings busting up in main Harbour.

Conditions were perfect. I've never seen J.J wake up so easily at 5am. He was very excited.

As we motored under the bridge we found fish busting up everywhere.

It was simply a matter of chasing the schools & casting slugs at the feeding bonito. J.J got 7 & we ended up with 15 all up.

Suddenly around 9.30am we found the kings. What a sight. Rat kings shouldering each other out of the way to smash our surface lures & plastics.

J.J had a ball & got 6 himself. He then sledged Mick & myself all the way home because he caught more fish than us!! It didn't matter that we hooked most of them & gave him the rod! :074:

It was great fun on 6lb braid & 10lb leader with light rods & reels. Bream gear really.

So by the end of the 5 hrs fishing we ended up with 15 bonnies & 8 kings. We scored a few bream & flatties on blades after the mayhem but J.J wasn't interested in those. They don't get 'cranky' enough he reckons. So a couple of 1sts & p.b's for J.J on the day. It was an awesome effort for a 6 year old. I was a very proud dad.

My second session was with my great mates Stewy & fishingbear.

Stewy guided us up the Cooks for plenty of hits, fish & bustoffs. Stewy even got a couple of hits in the head from Bears rod!

That report can be found Here!

So I had a great time in Sydney. The fishing is incredible there since the pros have gone. In my 37 yrs living there I haven't seen it better.

Well done to J.J. He wondered why he had sore arms the next day. He just would not give up on those kings.

A big thanks to Stewy & Mick for taking us out as well.



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Well done JJ and next time you can come out fishing with uncle Stewy and Bear can wack your Daddy and Mick in the head :074: GOD KNOWS THEY BOTH NEED IT !!!

Cheers Stewy

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It looks like you guys had a ball!! Bet JJ slept well that night!! Well done on putting the little fella onto some good fish & the memory of a lifetime!! Yeah - EVERYONE knows that he who holds the rod when the fish is landed, caught that fish! :biggrin2:

Hope you are high & dry at home, Grant!! :1yikes:



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:thumbup: Well done JJ looks like you cleaned up mate . Hooking them is the easy bit , Mick and Dad were lucky they had had you on the boat ,a young fella with a strong back and plenty of enthusiasum, those old buggers would have had hearts attacks if they had to wind in as many fish as you did , luck you were there stretching your arms for the team , putting in the hard yards and resting the old boys dodgey backs. Shame I was up in Forster at the time , will catch up with you next time JJ.

Tight lines


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