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Large Bay Trevally


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Wet a line a saturday and what nice conditions, especially after rain all friday night. Was very sceptic on what it was going to turn out like for saturday. Probably the opposite to what it was supposed to be. Anyway didnt head out till after 7 first three (almost) fish were Kings on light gear. Yep smoked me everytime, but hell of a lot of fun. They were smashing the old favourite service station frozen prawn. Must be hungry buggers.

Had a mate out with me and he landed one in the boat for his first ever king. Undersize, swam for another day. Never had a fight like that before, so excited.

After they gone off, tried somewhere else and about to leave when my mate hooked up again to pull in the biggest trevally i have seen come out the bay at 57cms. :biggrin2: I may be wrong, but i think its rare to catch them that size inside. I just dropped more fish during the day. :ranting2: Think i need to fish more to get some practice in. Or just one of those days

Tight lines raiders Cheers :thumbup::biggrin2:

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Nice fat trevally mate, i think you blokes were near me at the drums near the ship?? I got smoked by a kingy too that had the rod bent right under the boat, then 5 minutes later i looked over and saw one of you guys get busted off too.

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how do you find out the records of certain fish?

Be good to look at if there is a certain link on this site

Sounds like you had a great day and a top trev to finish off the day.

Here is the link to the fishraider Trevally records. Your mates would be second, but I think he would need to be a member to submit it to the records section.


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