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longreef wide


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raiders to day was a fishingtrip 6 month in the planning waiting for the right currant and conditions it all came togeather in the last week or so

firstly there are two people i need to thank roosterman for the heads up on condition wide last week and alex thomson from botany bay game fishing club for the info on how far to head out as he had good fortune in the bill hayward game comp last week with runner up thanks boys today would not have happened with out your help

the plan was to be at the sydney fad before dawn try for a dolly then head wide with jack at the fad we headed wide with a spread off four skirt lures two bullets long and two conaheads in close well thats what i call them anyway

it was very eary out there today with a sea fog and visability off about 50 meters the chart plotter was set and we set off down the highway about half way to our spot the bullets go off and two strippys are in the boat we workrd the area for a while then pressed on to our mark

all quiet as we aproched our mark then i spotted a single gannet sitting on the water not doing anything just sitting there so we headed for the gannet and as soon as we passed old mate the two short lures went off big time one spat and one heading for nz :yahoo: cleared the spread and harnesed neil up with the fish still running neil looks at me and said big fin i grinned and said no mate your into a marlin :biggrin2: the look on his face was priceless more fear than joy

the marlin stayed high most off the time with many jumps at one stage i counted 7 in a row well after 20 min and neil not making much ground on this fish the dreaded hand goes for the drag[touch that drag and i'll break your arm] he was politely informed :biggrin2: with neil in a world off hurt and winging like a girl a bucket off water over his head had him sorted and 15 min later the fish is close gloves on and with the malin pritty well spent it was traced and boat side

i made the call to keep this fish as it was neils first and also the first on our boat high fives and a breather and drink and we set the spread and headed south and home

no one bit off this marlin went to waist with it filleted at tunks and steaked to my place evern the head and frame was picked clean for cat food

the blue marlin went 2.4 meters from bill to tip off the fork can somone estemate the weight for me

all in all a bloody rippa off a day and how good has this summer been so far cheers gary

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Hi Brickman,

great read and well done on the marlin :thumbup: .

How was the fog out wide? it sure made things interesting in close around Queenscliff this morning where I was.

How good was the fish on the table? I'm still waiting for my first one to come in!



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great stuff gaz.. that is a good effort in a small trailerboat..

that pea souper woulda been a litte spookey,thank god for gps these days eh..

as for the weight... might be hard if you didnt get a few measurements and im very much a newbie but here is a way thats supposed to be pretty accurate.


bottom jaw to fork (short length measure) is usually all alot take and est on that with cond of fish.

bbq marlin steaks :drool: and :1beer: for Australia day dinner...:1punk:

thanks gotta go to capt cook for the oportunity eh....

im spewin moreso now that my last trip for my holidays tomorrow has been canned due to domestic bloody duties...:1wallbash:


Edited by roosterman
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Well done Gary :yahoo: Nothing better than catching a fish out of your own boat , Hope you crack some more with summer currents looking good . My estimate is around the 65kg mark . Have a look at this link , dont forget to take away about 60 cm for the bill. Love the knife shot for COTM :biggrin2:http://www.csgnetwork.com/fishsaltwtcalc.html

Cheers Dogtooth.... :1fishing1: John.... :beersmile:

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raiders the fog was a pain in the ass with out the chartplotter we would have been in deep shit it stayed with us all day and was worse closer in as we got near blue fish point you could only see the waves breaking not the cliffs

steve and john thanks for the weight info i was close in calling it 60kg

and as for it being a stripe marlin i have never seen a stripe in the flesh but have seen 7 blues and all a can say is the lateral line was not raised to the touch and the back and fins were electric blue but i'm no expert so i could be wrong i often am :biggrin2:

now lies the new delema how to top this trip i feel it could all be down hill from hear :1yikes:

this fish will not be entered in catch off the month as my mate caught it and he is not a fishraider[ he does'nt have a computer] a bit backwards he is :wacko: every thing is looking right for this sunday currant.pulse.swell.mmmmmmm is there a fin out there with my name on it lol cheers gary

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well done mate!!

I can't wait to land my first. I'm in the position you were in (pre yesterday). Been getting some gear recently and trying to land my first marlin offshore. In fact I was just heading out to the sydney FAD yesterday as well but had to turn back as we had to be home.

Without getting into details would be able to tell me about how far you had to go from the fad to get into that sort of marlin catching territory?

I'm still trying to learn all this stuff so any help would be greatly appreciated!

Again well done! Hope the steaks went down well!


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Nice fish.

definately a small stripe ( Dorsal fin length is approx 2/3of girth), They all light up "blue" when aggressive and pissed off!!! I would call it 50 to 55 kg. Game fish association has a real good chart designed by Julien Pepperill.

It uses fork to lower jaw as measurement.

Well done guys ..... your next goal is to get more than one in a day !!!!!

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