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Identify Species


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Hi All, new to forum but thought someone could help identify something I saw at night along the shore near Rip Bridge. They looked like a 15cm cuttlefish and they were in pairs about 3 feet from the shoreline. They moved slowly and when poked let of a red dye from the top centre, unlike cuttlefish etc. I have never seen thee before and wanted to google whatever it was.

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Cuttlefish let out a dye....as do octopuses and squid.

If they were swimming mid water then i think cuttle or squid is a reasonable call, if they were on the bottom them sea slug is more likely as they let out a red dye when poked.


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I believe most cuttlefish sleep at night (tentacles sucked up against a rock to keep in place)... maybe pairs of dumpling squid?

We see them on night scuba dives in the harbour. They stay buried in the sand during the day and come out at night. If you put a torch on them, they bury themselves... really cute!

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I agree with black bandit on sea hare and if the dye came from middle centre thats them ,they are the ugliest creature you ever saw and when they squirt there dye its very thick and rich in colour.

I agree it sounds like a sea hare. I am familiar with cuttle fish etc and it definately was not one of these. I looked up an image of a sea hare and your spot on. Thanks for the help.

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