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Hey guys.. Heading out at 5am tomorrow morning.. We were thinking of going for kings.. Land based tho.. Any good spots for kings? Early morning.. What baits would suit best? My freezer is full of yellowtail..

Been out a lot lately but not much luck.. Hoping you raiders can point me in the right directions.

Hope to post up some nice pics when we get back!

Cheers guys!



best bet would be peir 2 or around the spit bridge early morning,dont foget a long net good luck,hope to see some pics


best bet would be peir 2 or around the spit bridge early morning,dont foget a long net good luck,hope to see some pics

Hey mate where a bouts is pier 2?


Pier 2 is under the harbour bridge city side and west of it good luck

Cheers bud.. Anything else there? What baits are best?

Any other good mixed bag spots for early morning?



I see people fishing at Pier 2 almost every morning. I live in city and i take train to north syd. At least 2 or 3 will be there haha. You can still fish there even if 2 or 3 there.

Here is the link to pier 2 - > http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=The+Rocks,+New+South+Wales&aq=0&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=68.780747,99.404297&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=The+Rocks+New+South+Wales&ll=-33.853916,151.206293&spn=0.002029,0.003034&z=19


I usually fish the Jefferey St Wharf Side at night for Jews, I know it produces jews but its still a massive waiting game here ! Where sometimes not even a bite is felt. Just wondering if the pier 2 side is more productive for jews then the jefferey st side. Ive been out to jefferey st about 6 -7 times with mates and in that time ive only ever seen 1 good jew pulled out. The rest where big bream and flatties !


does anyone eat the kingies that are caught at pier2?i heard something about the water being no good


does anyone eat the kingies that are caught at pier2?i heard something about the water being no good

I never caught one there but I have seen people caught "undersized kingie" and they still took it. So I suppose they will eat it.


does anyone eat the kingies that are caught at pier2?i heard something about the water being no good

Kingfish is a pelagic fish, so the risk of them being contaminated by dirty Sydney Harbour water should not be as bad as those fish like bream I reckon.


Actually the higher up the food chain a fish is, the greater it will concentrate contaminants like mercury in it's flesh.

The exception to this could be spawners that enter contaminated waterways from cleaner oceans and do not feed extensively in that location.


Personally i dont eat anything that comes out of the Sydney harbour :nono: that includes the lower reaches near the heads.I have done alot of research on the contamination of our harbour from slipways,stormwater drains,factories,old dumps,Navy depots and the picture paints a very disturbing picture.


Personally i dont eat anything that comes out of the Sydney harbour :nono: that includes the lower reaches near the heads.I have done alot of research on the contamination of our harbour from slipways,stormwater drains,factories,old dumps,Navy depots and the picture paints a very disturbing picture.

emm,glad i live at jervis bay


biggest advice is to wake up 2 hours earlier!

fish wherever you are going to fish but put some baits on the bottom for jews. between 3-6 tomorrow morning is a great time for jews.

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