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Out back report


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G'day Raiders

Over the last few months I have been flogging the foreshore out the back of where I live. Trying to work out all the little places fish seem to like. Those little rock piles, rock shelves and weedbeds where the fish can hang out and grab a feed. I fished poppers only till only a couple of weeks ago when I didn't get a fish in 3 sessions in a row.... The usual species are bream and whitting but have hooked bonnies, salmon, kings and flatties but have been plagued with bad luck in landing most of the larger ones. The hard one has been the salmon. Landed a small one a few months back but near every day I get bit from one but usually pull hooks on the jump as the little size 12-18 tebbles struggle to stay connected. Bent hooks are the usual outcome.

Yesterday after a lunch meeting in town I had an hour to spare when I got home. Grabbed my land based flick stick, tied on a new 4lb leader, attached a new lure I had bought but never swum, (Colt minnow) and walked out back for a quick sesh.

I was flogging a reef area when I noticed a few little flicks on the surface from some small bait that had been balled up along its leading edge. A quick cast, 3 rips with the rod and all hell breaks loose!

This bloke was an aerial dude, jump after jump but lucky all stayed connected. Leading the fish towards the beach area negotiating rocky oyster clumps, floating rubbish and swimming dogs was a challenge.

How hard can I push this new rod?

Hope my 4lb leader holds up....

Don't push to hard, you'll pull hooks again!

15min mark she finally slid enough onto the beach to give me time to run down and grab the sucker before it flipped back in... (like 4th attempt)

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On another note, over the last 2 weeks I have been trying to crack the garfish that mill around chasing the poppers.

Have been fishing bread or prawn baits under little floats within burley trails. Yeah I have caught them but not in numbers that ya can get a feed together. 2 days ago I bought a burley blob style float, the egg shape ones with a wire spring looking thing hanging off the bottom. I make up a burley mix with bread, crumbs, tuna oil and a little bit of water to make it into a pastie dough but with still lumps of bread threw it. I use a short 10cm leader hanging off the bottom of the float with a small size 12 gama fly hook. These have a long shank but only half the length of a true long shank. I find the true long shanks don't get bit as much as a short hook but long enough that they don't get gut hooked by all the small by catch. I bait up with Hawkesbury prawns that I have chopped up into 10 pieces per prawn. The prawn piece really only goes over the point of the hook it's that small. I find bigger pieces get eaten by little bream and choppers. I load up the burley spring by jamming in as much as possible so it's tightly packed. The bread pieces seem to hold it all togther a bit longer than burley with no bread bits.(usually get 2 casts before I need to reload.) So far so good with 20+ gars per session!

Easy cleaning and even better eating gars have become my new fav fun fish out back!

Cleaned up and frozen indvidually in a seal bag they make a great easy snack or cook up a bunch for a excellent feed.

Mmmm GARS!

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So thats been me for the last couple of weeks, Hopefully get the boat back out for a run this weekend if the weather gods are kind!


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I can't believe you landed it Greg. Excellent effort using light gear! :thumbup:

Those gars look good too. I've heard they taste alright, but haven't ever tried them.

I have to admit, at first glance I thought this was an "outback" report. Greg's been travelling out west fishin' the Darling! Doh! :wacko:

You've done that well fishing in your "backyard" lately, maybe you don't need the boat any more? lol



Edited by peterS
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Terrific result from your back yard, specially on such light gear, Greg!! Those gars are fun - mini marlin, I call 'em!! :biggrin2:

I've made up a float that holds 3 size 8-10 hooks, using a bit of wood ... which I have painted white so it looks like a slice of bread! The tiny bits of bread that fall off the float acts as berley (you can also put some elastic around it & shove a bit of bread under the elastic as berley ...... all good fun!~!



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Hi Greg,

Whereabouts are you fishing? I've been exploring my local waters of Blackwattle / Rozelle bay lately and have to contend with the same four-legged challenges as you. Although the rewards of my fishing (all surface lures so far) have only been the World's Smallest Tailor and some healthy bream.

I'd love to hook up to a salmon, that thing must have really put a bend in your rod (not code).

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Cheers guys

Last week I got a new Daiwa rod to play with, was looking at something to maximise casting distance as I feel it's everything when fishing flats off the shore. Cover the ground you'll find the fish....

The rod is a Interline TMZ-I 762LFS. It's 7'6" so it really flings them light lures far. I recon another 20% further than my old rod, MIllerods 7'2" Bream Buster XF long casts. I also like the longer length for when working topwater lures to do a walk the dog when standing on the rock walls. Easier when the rod tips lower to the water for short twitches. I was a little sceptical about the interline but all that went out the window afer the first cast with a Sammy attached. Fark, nearly hit the moored boats! :yahoo:

Since using this rod I have not had a single wind knot or tip wrap! Even fishing for gars in the dark with a little piece of bread on a hook and nothing else casting into the wind couldn't produce one. Very easy rod to use! Power wise, it's only the "light" model but sill enough power to stop most things I'm gunna hook off the shore here. Weight wise, lighter than the miller. Matched with a blinged up Exist it's amazing light for a such long outfit.

So theirs my 2cents worth on the Interline TMZI. If your looking for a flats/shore basher chasing fish on light lures, totally recomend!


Fishing East Drummoyne area. If ya going to travel try Iron Cove. Had some great sessions there. If you want pelagics try Balmain and Pymont areas as they have some nice deep points to spin metals.



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Cheers guys

Last week I got a new Daiwa rod to play with, was looking at something to maximise casting distance as I feel it's everything when fishing flats off the shore. Cover the ground you'll find the fish....

The rod is a Interline TMZ-I 762LFS. It's 7'6" so it really flings them light lures far. I recon another 20% further than my old rod, MIllerods 7'2" Bream Buster XF long casts. I also like the longer length for when working topwater lures to do a walk the dog when standing on the rock walls. Easier when the rod tips lower to the water for short twitches. I was a little sceptical about the interline but all that went out the window afer the first cast with a Sammy attached. Fark, nearly hit the moored boats! :yahoo:

Since using this rod I have not had a single wind knot or tip wrap! Even fishing for gars in the dark with a little piece of bread on a hook and nothing else casting into the wind couldn't produce one. Very easy rod to use! Power wise, it's only the "light" model but sill enough power to stop most things I'm gunna hook off the shore here. Weight wise, lighter than the miller. Matched with a blinged up Exist it's amazing light for a such long outfit.

So theirs my 2cents worth on the Interline TMZI. If your looking for a flats/shore basher chasing fish on light lures, totally recomend!


Fishing East Drummoyne area. If ya going to travel try Iron Cove. Had some great sessions there. If you want pelagics try Balmain and Pymont areas as they have some nice deep points to spin metals.



Greg try the TMZ-I 762 MLFS and you probably will hit the boats with the Sammy! Let me know if you want to give it a go, you can try mine.


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Cheers guys

Last week I got a new Daiwa rod to play with, was looking at something to maximise casting distance as I feel it's everything when fishing flats off the shore. Cover the ground you'll find the fish....

The rod is a Interline TMZ-I 762LFS. It's 7'6" so it really flings them light lures far. I recon another 20% further than my old rod, MIllerods 7'2" Bream Buster XF long casts. I also like the longer length for when working topwater lures to do a walk the dog when standing on the rock walls. Easier when the rod tips lower to the water for short twitches. I was a little sceptical about the interline but all that went out the window afer the first cast with a Sammy attached. Fark, nearly hit the moored boats! :yahoo:

Since using this rod I have not had a single wind knot or tip wrap! Even fishing for gars in the dark with a little piece of bread on a hook and nothing else casting into the wind couldn't produce one. Very easy rod to use! Power wise, it's only the "light" model but sill enough power to stop most things I'm gunna hook off the shore here. Weight wise, lighter than the miller. Matched with a blinged up Exist it's amazing light for a such long outfit.

So theirs my 2cents worth on the Interline TMZI. If your looking for a flats/shore basher chasing fish on light lures, totally recomend!


Fishing East Drummoyne area. If ya going to travel try Iron Cove. Had some great sessions there. If you want pelagics try Balmain and Pymont areas as they have some nice deep points to spin metals.



Cheers Greg, I'll give it a red hot go.

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Amazing the fish you can rustle up - from gar to blackies to bream and flatties to salmon and kingies and then snapper and marlin :1worthy:

Great to hear your thoughts on the interlines. Greg has only good things to say about them too. Would have got one by now to play with but am saving for a new boat :(


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