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Relaxing day on the Blackfish.


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Had an early start this morning, leaving home at 6am. Got to the beach half an hour later, and started the hike to the rock platform. The ocean was calm and the water very clear, with a slight westerly breeze blowing. A big school of kingfish busted up 30m out, jumping out of the water and thrashing the whitebait. Not long after, salmon and tailer joined in. This continued all day, and one half cab drove over and got stuck into them. Of course, they motored through the school several times and the action stopped for them. The moved on and within half an hour the fish were back. Anyway, that was not what I was fishing for. I made the early start, as this spot fishes well on the runout, and I only had a couple of hours of that this morning. First cast, the float zotted down and I missed the strike. No bait. This happened a number of times, so I changed the depth from 10ft to only a metre. I fish a fixed float, so it was now attached to the 8lb trace rather than the main line. Started catching fish right away. Got busted off by big pigs a few times. A little while later a mate came down and the three of us fished until midday. I got a good fish on, which I called for a pig, and it took me for a good number of runs until one last lunge left me with braid floating in the wind. The trace busted a few cms below the braid. Rotten fish took my best float. I ended up with nine nice fish, some of which will go to friends and family.

Can't believe what a glorious day it was on the rocks. Got back to the beach and it was blowing whitecaps and washing weed up the sand. Totally different to the scene a few klms south, where the location was totally protected from the wind. Pelagics busting up all day, warm clear water, a huge blue groper eyeballing us from 2m away, good fishing and a couple of mates to share it with. Wouldn't be dead for quids. Oh, and I found a nice keeper net washed up on the rocks. Replace the one I left behind a few months back :)





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Great fish! :thumbup:

Good lookin' spot! :thumbup:

Top photos! :thumbup:

Nice morning to be fishing stormy.

That spot looks familiar, although if it's where I think it is, I've only seen it from the water.



PS I'm not sure that net is legal size. Did you measure it? :074:

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Great catch, I fished Wednesday and ended up fishing a depth of about 1m as well before I could get a down. If you don't mind me asking what was the general area you were at, no need to be specific.

Yes, I worked out that the fish were actually taking the bait and swimming towards the surface, in fact I could see schools of drummer and blackfish only a few feet down. After I shortened the trace, they took the bait near the surface and swam down a bit, registering the bite. Area is around Wattamolla in the RNP.

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