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after work jew session


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g'day raiders, I went for a spur of the moment jew session last night in the harbour and didnt go too bad. I finished work a little after 5pm and after battling with traffic and organising the boat and gear I finally arrived on the spot around 9pm. The plan was to fish either side of the high tide but unfortunately after arriving later than I had planned, the tide had already turned so I fished the first of the run out until about 12.30am. I managed 3 small jew between 55cm and 63cm and a nice 35cm snapper. I also lost another similar fish when the trace snapped and was also bitten off once by another fish that I suspect was a large tailor.


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Edited by tide'n'knots
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Well done matey nice haul of fish there !!

Phwoarr that looks like one tasty snapper !! best size to eat i rekon !!

Victory is even more sweet when its a last minute situation, its great when everything goes to plan !!

Keep it up bud,


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What a great session!!! hope I have a similar result when I head out....

I have not caught a nice plate sized snapper for a while now I am dying for it as they are damn fine eating,



gday nathan, I am certainly looking forward to eating the snapper as I dont get too many legals.


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Good work pete.i also got 2 jew bout the same size on live yakkas fishn landbased in that areaa 65 & 70cms.also missd 2 otha jew runs.mayb me u & nath can organise a sesh soon on his & ur boat.if ur interestd,let us knw ok.good work pete,thyr definately around atm. Cheers johnny.

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g'day raiders, I went for a spur of the moment jew session last night in the harbour and didnt go too bad. I finished work a little after 5pm and after battling with traffic and organising the boat and gear I finally arrived on the spot around 9pm. The plan was to fish either side of the high tide but unfortunately after arriving later than I had planned, the tide had already turned so I fished the first of the run out until about 12.30am. I managed 3 small jew between 55cm and 63cm and a nice 35cm snapper. I also lost another similar fish when the trace snapped and was also bitten off once by another fish that I suspect was a large tailor.


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well done peter

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