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Merry Christmas everyone


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Hello all

Just a quick note to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year. Thank you to all those I have caught up with over the year. It's been a very lean year for time spent on the water, but I hope to rectify that starting with these holidays. I am heading home to the Murray to chase the green fish. :biggrin2:

Please contact one of the Moderators if you have any concerns or questions regarding Swap and Sell or COTM until my return on 09 Jan 12. Stay safe on our roads and waterways, and I hope you have a successful time on the water.



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MERRY XMAS raiders and stay safe on the roads

today was my last day at work for the year had to wait around for several people to pick up there stainless bits and peaces then it was suposed to be fishing and more fishing for me :biggrin2: well thats now all turned to shit with a boom from a logging truck coming in that has to be repaired asap :ranting2:o well thats life make hay while the sun shines

cheers gary

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Hi all mates.

I put here my toughts on past year and future. Year was different, we wait baby born, i was work 500km from home. Summer i spending home, really less fishing i have to shame.

Boy born 20.8.2011, we went 10 day in hospital, Saija get some infektion, but evertything goes fine. Then i took quit from job last October, that i can be more in home. I have been work practice in my cousin food market, 3 weeks i was out for knee operation and i do end that practice soon. Now i study 2 days on week security issues, maby after few years try get security issues polytechnic, how know? Plans is many, next step is make aplication practical nurse schooling, 3 yars education, but with full salary. I hope that i get it my self in there.

I have dream, like Martin Luther King had dream allso. I hope that nobody shoot me for my dream :biggrin2: , what is come soon that possible visit there DownUnder. Somethimes, i really miss there so much that i dont know what help that hankering? I hope that we get there in next 2 years, i check every week if i see some extra extra cheap price flight to Sydney. Plan is also move to there for 1-3 years that Vili learn English before he is adult, and he learn some other that finnish culture also, and we everybody get life experiens. And maby for australian immigration think that good reason is come to visit my uncle MR Dalucius. Most biggest propblem that moving is, that Saija will be missing too much to home, and offcource language is problem for job finding.

Anyway, i try fishing more next year, and writing more in forum.You australian people are most friendly nation how we have ever meet, and we have visit 22 country.

We want wish a Merry Christmas and tight lines for year 2012 to all fishraiders!!

Jani, Saija, Vili and Piki dog

Edited by JaniFIN
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Hello Jani, you have had a very busy 2011. Young Vili is growing fast and it's good to be home to support Saija and watch him grow, cherish this time, because it wont be long before he's a young man. Lyn and I wish you and your family a merry christmas and happy new year. Good luck in your new job application and I will see you when you come down under next time. :flying: Geoff.

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