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PB lure caught Mulloway


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I spun this fella up yesterday.

He was taken on a Killalure Jewy 150 and went 17kg and 118cms.

I'll put up a better post when i get some time.post-1572-019970100 1328235382_thumb.jpg

awesome catch mate, may i ask what system it was caught???

thats a trophy fish mate, well done


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G'day Dan. Congrats on a top fish after from what I heard was a whole lot of dedicated hard work. Great reward for a top effort :thumbup: :thumbup:

Don't forget to give the reel some TLC so that the salt water doesn't knock it around for the next time you want to get out there.

Awesome fish :thumbup:


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Thank you...

Tony, The reel is getting a full overhaul tomorrow. My Certate hyper PE has rubber seals on just about every concievable place water can enter but i'm not risking it.

Mii11X, It wasn't caught in any system, it was spun off a rock ledge in horrendous conditions.

Let this serve as a reminder that persistance and dedication are the keys to success.

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WOW! Fantastic Jewie, Dan!! Congratulations on your PB!! Can't wait to read of the fight!! Oh dear - rock ledges in horrible conditions .......... even MORE Congratulations!!

Well done!


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So here we go... I'm dog tired so i'll keep this brief.

It had been about a week since i had been out in search of jew, and i was getting a little edgy. My girlfriend suggested i go for a fish to save her sanity which was an opportunity i pounced upon.

With the recent rain and the estuaries not really playing game, i decided to try something a little different. I headed to a ledge i knew, and had fished before, only to find it awash with white water. It was a cold, grey and misserable afternoon. The rain was light but persistant, but what was worse was that it was gathered by the wind and propelled almost horizontally into my face, besting even my cap and wet weather hood, even with all this it was still a welcome relief to the demands of work and life in general.

I propelled my offering into the wash for about an hour and a half without so much as an inquiry, all the while making suttle changes to the way i would manipulate my lure and the area i would concentrate on. While there was not alot of intrest shown to my lure, there was still plenty to keep me iterested. A lone cormrant feverously worked the area, disappearing below the surface only to appear some great distance away and never where i would expect, sometimes with some small morsal but more often than not with none. Then there where the two gulls swooping overhead. Occasionally plunging into the brine from great heights but rarely where thier death defying efforts rewarded.

The Conditions were right, the bait was there but where was my quarry?

Once more, like the time before and the time before that, i projected my offering towards the horizon. 40 meters away lure met water with a crash. I closed the bail arm and began retrieving the loose like the wind had captured during the cast. A distant explosion engulfed my stationary offering. My tranqual state of mind was shattered as i awoke to my reality, but there was nothing, the line remained slack and i could still see the glimer of the gold plastic imatation rolling with the waves some forty meters out. I paused for a moment in bewilderment then with a sweep of the rod i encouraged the lure to come to life. The little gold lure was itecepted immediatly. I struck, and the treble found its mark as the attacker charged towards deeper water.

The rest is history...

I hope you enjoyed

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