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Big Pigs in the Suds

Mondo Rock

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I've had a theory for some time that when the surf gets out of control big like it is at the moment an opportunity for drummer presents itself in places that otherwise wouldn't see much wash. Places like protected bays and deeper beach corners that normally don't see a lot in the way of wave action get a good dose of whitewater during really big winter swells and can be a congregating point for fish when the rest of the coastline is a total mess.

I've seen this approach work on the South Coast but the only place I could think to look nearby in Sydney was the Clovelly pool, which I've heard holds fish when the seas are rough - but when I got there the southerly was howling and waves were washing up over the concrete making it hard to get close to the edge without getting wet. So I ducked around the corner to a protected bay where the water looked like I could get a bait in from a safe ledge. The normally calm family snorkelling spot was a mess of waves and whitewater, but the tide was close to high and the water was deep enough to look green when I would catch a glimpse in-between sets.

After an only moderately successful dash across the rocks dog and fisherman ended up safely on a dry ledge where the bread burley was duly mixed and the first handful deployed. Fishing was slow for the first hour with little in the way of bites - it took a while to get used to guiding the bait through the wash: current pulled the bait to the left and when the sets came the peeled prawn and ball sinker would be washed straight back at the base of the rocks beneath me. In the end I gained some control by throwing the bait out into the deeper green water and then bringing it back into the turbulence once the bait was down a bit. The first real bite came about an hour into the fishing - a typical drummer light tap-tap-tap - and it was hard to resist the urge to strike while it was mouthing the bait. But I've seen too many missed chances that way and so I waited for the rod tip to load up before I lifted into the fish.

Anyway - long story short - after a long and tense fight (during which I realised my fishing platform basically required me to guide the fish up and over a series of boulders once subdued) I landed a damn healthy specimen of drummer at bang on 50 cms. Another smaller model came in 20 minutes later and after that I had a good half an hour of fast drummer action. I guess the steady stream of burley had done its job as every cast got a good bite, and over the course of the next 30 minutes three more big fish were hooked. The first fought to its freedom amongst the washy stones and the second defeated me through sheer size when, after a long fight, the 6kg line broke under its weight while I was trying to dead-lift it up onto the ledge. The third stayed connected however and eventually another 50 cm fish was bleeding in the pool.

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So I reckon my theory turned out OK. There's no way you'd look for drummer in this spot on an ordinary day as it's usually calm, deep and flat but yesterday it held big fish in a mess of sudsy water. It must have been one of the only spots on the open coastline that was fishable amongst the massive swell and howling southerly wind - which only goes to show that there's always a good option somewhere.

Edited by Mondo
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long time ago, I went to palm beach to fish off the rocks. when we arrived, it was raining and massive waves.

we were about to pack it and go home but my little cousin with his little rod dropped his line in a tiny rockpool.... (this rock pool normally doesn't even fill during high tide).

we managed to catch 100's of blackies (most released).

I am strong supporter of your theory :)

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Greta theory and execution of a plan! I did the same thing a few years ago at Little Bay wher I caught pigs and lauds from the beach whilst the 4 m swell turned the outer bay into a washing machine! A 50cm pig is a trophy in normal terrain but getting one there is outstanding! Top shelf!

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I've caught tailor, bream, snapper, luderick and drummer from the beach at Little Bay when there is a big sea running outside. That whole area around Little Bay to the north and south has areas you can fish in any weather, any sea or any wind all within say 1km north and south of the beach. I moved to the area in 1973 and got to know it very well. Even managed to get fishing as a sport in year 11-12 . Now that was good.


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