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Iron Cove Flathead


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How are things Raiders!

I decided to brave the cold last night and try my luck throwing around a hard body lure for an hour or so along the wall leading up to Le Montage from Hawthorn Canal in Iron Cove. The Mrs (who hates fishing) thought I was nuts going out on a cold windy night but this was the only window I had with ongoing family and work commitments and I was itching to go :biggrin2:

Not really knowing what I was doing :unsure: I tried a variety of retrieves fast, slow, stop start, twitch etc. The wind started to pick up and I was thinking about calling it a night when to my surprise I got a hit :1yikes: At first it didn't seem like a fish of any significant size but when he realised he was hooked it was game on and he dived deep taking line and my limited angling skills were put to the test.

Not knowing what I had hooked I was eager to identify the fish and as I slowly brought him up to the surface I was surprised to see a solid flathead thrashing around. I thought maybe a salmon, big tailor or even more optimistically a jewfish!

For some reason I remembered to bring the net and boy did I need it as there was no chance of me landing this fish without one given the height of the wall from the water. After a few tense moments while balancing on the wall, rod in one hand net in the other I landed him.... my biggest fish that went 74cm :yahoo: The girth on this fish was something to behold. While he was in the net the ring on the top treble that hooked the fish broke off but I had him. One of the hooks in that treble had straightened a bit too. Mind you the lure was only a relatively cheap Tsunami Pro 95mm Super Frog from k mart.


I didn't have any money on me for COTM not even a 5 cent coin, so trying not to sound like a begger I asked a jogger passing by and explained why and he said here's a dollar, I don't need it you keep it, and good luck with the competition :)



I didn't push my luck to ask him to also take a photo of me holding my biggest fish so I asked the next person and they were equally obliging :)


Despite having the fish out of the water for only a minimal time I just could not revive it. In fact I spent more time trying to revive the fish than I did fishing. I have caught smaller flathead before that swam off no problem, maybe the fight totally exhausted this one? So unwillingly and burdened with guilt I decided to take the fish home for the table so as to respect the fish. I realise the water quality in the Cove may be questionable and it is frowned upon to take a fish of this size as it is probably female, but this is my way of respecting the fish. I normally practise catch and release so this was a strange one for me.

Many thanks in advance for any replies received and special thanks also for all the advice and tips posted on this top site.

Have a great weekend and Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads and may you all be spoilt to the max on Sunday!!

All the Best


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Great report buddy! Super fish :thumbup: In winter too! I've noticed a similar thing with bigger flatties. I've had no trouble releasing fish under 50cm but i've had a few fish (ranging from 60cm - 75cm) that basically died when i tried to put them back... I handled them with care, had them out of the water for less than 2 mins and supported then fish's body weight. The main thing is that you tried to release it! Well done on a great catch mate :thumbup:


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Great reward for putting up with some average conditions. Only question is given you caught the fish, a jogger donated the coin, a passerby took your photo so surely a trip to newsagent was in order to buy the thursday night Powerball ticket with the lucky dollar. Would have completed the story perfectly.

Edited by boattart
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Great report & congrats on a cracking fish. :thumbup:

I love it when putting the effort in when others won't produces the goods.

It's been a long time since I have thrown hardbodies around. I started off in those bays

using h/bods & caught plenty before the plastic craze. I actually fished one again up here last

w/end for some nice bass. Might have to throw them more often I reckon. :biggrin2:

Don't be too concerned about keeping the odd fish. If it was dead then what's

the use in letting it go? Hope it tasted good.

Well done!



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Thanks heaps for your comments guys.

Shannon: It was a slow retrieve with a few twitches.

Tom: That's interesting about the bigger ones. I also enjoy reading your replies to Raiders questions seeking help, good on you for taking the time and thanks for helping us fellow Raiders out, much appreciated.

Boattart: Yeah I didn't think about the Powerball ticket but it was probably too late anyway.

Grant: Seems like you were ahead of the times. Your tips from my last post contributed to this capture.

Have a good one


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well done ian you have gone from dangler to angler in a very short time mate and thats one fat ass lizard there this summer will be a cracker so a king and jew report is on its way i feel, when you get your first legal king your legs will shake and when you hook a good jew your heart will pump hard keep the reports coming cheers gary

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