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Another productive H&C sesh

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Hey all,

Had another evening to myself so what else to do but wander for a flick?

Started off in a hurry as light was fading. Armed with some tiny new Squidgy critters on 1/16th size 6 hooks, I arrived to find the tide coming in, bringing with it a frenzy of baitfish, small bream and a stingray kicking around in about a foot of water. The wind was significantly down compared to Monday, though I'm not sure how much that would have had to do with the fishing.

First cast, count to five, twitch-twitch, bang. Undersize but fun and healthy.


Nothing for the next few casts so, being in a hurry, moved on.

Had a go at a likely looking pipe along the wall for number 2, and a small improvement.


Last light. A few more pit-stops on the way to the well-lit jetty were unsuccessful, though it didn't take long to hook into the lizards once there.




The tiny Squidgy critters were so successful that on one occasion what looked to be a good 40cm+ flattie rose from out of the depths in an attempt to smash the lure with a loud splash as I was pulling the jig up and out of the water. After my mini-heart attack, I threw a cast in the direction the fish retreated and half way back connected with this girl:


Didn't get a measure as I'd left my tape in the bag whilst beaching her.

Things went real quiet once the tide turned, except for regular bust-ups around the place. Didn't take long to start on these guys which was a nice surprise as I'd been chopperless for the last couple of months.




Nabbed six in total by bouncing the lure just under the surface, all the while wondering what would happen if one went out as a livie. The last one pictured was the only one measured and at 25cm, I reckon it's a new, though modest PB.

Switched the critters for Gulp shrimp on 1/8th heads for a hook-up and a drop.

Time to go home and last cast of the evening gets me connected again, only for the flattie to rocket out of the water and spit the lure at me for a 10/10 acrobatic dismount.

Good sesh, overall.

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Cracker sesh!

Any caught using the JDLBPCM?

Kinda, actually. Second bream came after walking over to free a snag then completing the last bit of the retrieve.

As they say: "If you aren't getting snagged occasionally, you aren't getting the fish." :fish_h4h:

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  • 2 weeks later...

that was a crazy session mate, excuse my ignorance wtf is jdlbpcm?

JDanger Land Based Precision Casting Method. Drop your lure close into a wall and free spool to where ever for the retrieve. Should've called it the plonk'n'walk :banana: .

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