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Fathers Day Blackfish


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Well, what can I say. Fishing on Fathers Day! Nearly paid very dearly for it from the missus but I took the risk.

But firstly this whole thing started during a Saturday night out with friends getting a feed of Chinese. The boys were teasing each other of what we could each get away with before copping it with the rolling pin from our respective wives. I put up the challenge that I reckoned I could get away with fishing on Fathers Day so the bet was made and sealed over some beers.

I set the alarm for 5am. Woke up. Gear was packed and in car from night before. Green weed was a week old in bottom of fridge so grabbed it and a cup of coffee and quietly left the house. Decided to try the rock groins along Lady Robinson Beach as I have had some luck there on other occasions and did not want crowds slowing my fishing at the more popular spots.

Got there just on high tide so was set to fish outgoing tide. Adjusted depth and threw a beautiful first cast - text book perfect centre pin cast. Sure enough an immediate down but I was too eager and lifted rod much too early and missed it. Re baited and cast again to same spot and started the drift but nothing. Next 10 casts still nothing so changed to other side of groin. A down! This time I mentally counted it out and lifted rod to feel the weight. It went to the rocks but used the leverage of my rod to steer it away and into my landing net. A nice healthy fish of 32cm.

In next hour only got two more downs but both equated to fish to 33cm and 35cm with the 33cm fish putting up a big fight with two runs which I had to let him have as I was fishing very light leader today (4lb fluorocarbon). I was happy with effort but also wary of time I packed up and quickly bleeding and cleaning the fish then headed home. Got there at 7am and sure enough the whole family was still sleeping. I filleted the fish and put them in the fridge. Cleaned up and started to make some pancakes and tea for my wife - just in case.


And did I get into any trouble? After she had the pancakes and tea she casually turned to me and said - "Darling, I knew you went fishing". How I asked. "Well I woke up and came downstairs for some water. As I came back I noticed you had dropped some green weed near the front door" :wife:


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This year is the first year I didn't go fishing on fathers day as I didn't have any company. The way I figure it is like this... It is fathers day, I'm the dad, I can do what I choose hehe. It is the one day of the year which is a gimme! :) Not to mention that the missus backs me up on it telling me to what I feel like doing as it is my day.

Nice fish and congrats on sneaking out for a quicky.


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Great story Jimbo. I reckon we've all tried it at one time or another and most of us have been caught out! I also sneaked away late in the day (with permission from the boss & our sidekick) for a short stint of blackie fishing but had no luck.

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