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Fishing in Sydney area 2weeks, how to do?


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Stu and Donna just leave from Finland. And i get so bad travel bug (again), that i cant do my shcool works today, even i allready start.

History: We went with my wife Saija in OZ year 2009, 1 month trip. I have been want come back to there 4 years, but havent been any chance. Now we have 2y old son, and dog, so only i have chance to come alone, and only for 2 weeks. Plan is come before next 3 years have gone. There is report from trip year 2009 http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=44783&hl=%2Btwo+%2Bfinn

So "i have dream", next time when i come, i want shore or boat fishing one full day on botany bay area, drink some Jack Daniels Cola, eat ice Cram and some fried scallops, or any snacks. No matter shore or boat fishing, most important thing is good comppany and Ice Cream. Other thing what i want to do is fishing about 3 days in Forster Great lakes area. Use train in OZ and try hit Kricket ball.

Anyway, tell your opinnion free words, What to do, when to come in OZ for 2 weeks. Posibles is january, february, March and April. That interesting me, what fishes you can catch this months? I dont know sure why, but i am maby moste interesting come april, then is some chance maby catch tuna, but weather is not so cool yet, or? I come small budget trip, so maby, two days is possible get some charter if get enough people in same boat.

Fishs what i am interesting to catch: ALL :sun: , But moste exaiting is some fish tuna family, yellowfinn, bluefinn or even Bonito. Bream fishing is allso really fun. So tell me what fishes it is possible catch January, February, March or/and April?

Sorry for this topic, this is more for my self, for thinkking, you be patient please, this maby "monolog" can be continue next 3 years. :unsure:


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hey jani long time no see, if your hear in the months you mentioned it is the red hot time for marlin in fact were getting marlin now rampaging blue marlin you don't need to spend big $ if the weather is good i'll take you fishing and if your in the great lakes area a trip to crowdy head we can fish for snapper early then hit the blue water for game fish and later in the day have a flatty session off harrington witch will end up a shark session for shore they love eating flathead were ever you are be it sydney or north coast i'll take you out cheers gary

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Thanks Garry, i appreciate your offer. And it is true, long time no see. You come to visit here ? , we have allways some place to sleep for fishraiders, nobody visit so often.

Exactly i did little "surffing in net", and find many kind fishs what can fishing that time on year (somebody blogger dude, botany fishing), january, February, March and April, i did not saw any tuna pictures, but king fishes and many other good loking fishs, what i did not identify. So its hard to ask fish questions, because there i so many different species what i have never even seen or hear, so dont know what to ask?

Nobody know any web site, like fish book what told what fishes in close to Sydney different months? Some fish biological Guide?

And in Forster have to fishing with lady Roberta allso :fishing1::hug:

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You have to catch a kingfish in summer in sydney as they are the main target and would pull most other fish backwards! Bonito, Australian Salmon, Frigate Mackeral, Mack tuna are all common Sydney speedsters on the cards in Sydney Harbour!!

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You have to catch a kingfish in summer in sydney as they are the main target and would pull most other fish backwards! Bonito, Australian Salmon, Frigate Mackeral, Mack tuna are all common Sydney speedsters on the cards in Sydney Harbour!!

So no matter if come Jan, Feb, Mar or Aprill, then is that fishs season, every that months?

Kingfish pulling hard, i have catch 2 small earlier, nice fish for sport fishing.

Thanks for information, if i understant wright :unsure: . My englis is some days so bad, some days quite ok. It´s tuck 7 years understant record topic and catch of the month rules , Stu explain that rules me 2 days ago :blush::sun:


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Hi jani,

I've read all your reports and love the diverse nature of this site. If you come to oz I'll be happy to take you fishing. I live 1hr drive from Forster in the beautiful port stephens. I can't do jack Daniels but I do jim beam very very well.

I can guarantee you a few pelagics that time of year, jewfish and maybe a marlin!!! And if the weather is crap, we have many pubs we can bend an elbow at!!!

The offer is there my friend and will only be too happy to show you around. Whether it's, rock, beach, boat, estuary, river or ocean fishing, port stephens has it all. (Google it)

Cheers scratchie!!! Jeff

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He knows Port quite well mate.

He fished there on a charter for a few days in 09 with Stewy, Donna, Dan & Mr & Mrs Dalucius.

I know he'll be keen to get back there. I just hope the weather is a lot nicer than last time!

They had to leave my place because it looked as though they would be flooded in!!

Very nice of you to extend the hand of friendship.



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Oh!!, it is true, Forster and Port Stephen is quite close together. (i have seen 2 goalas in Port Stephen area, i have allso picture that 2th one). Thanks for offer Scratchie. Jewfish souds allso good, maby too good., From Ports Stephens to south (maby Nelson Bay?) is some small restaurant near harbour, where can eat cheap but tasty fried scallops ...yammy.

Allso i know one good Flattie spot in Forster (Tuncurry side) what even Roberta dont know excactly, have to show her :whistling: ..

Oh cheesecake, sounds so good allready. I can confirmate what i did read finnish travel magazine, "Australians is the friendliest nation", i agree that. Soon i have too many fishing possibilitys, that its come to bee difficult choise, or 2 weeks not enough.

Grant, i am sorry that flooded thing, we did not purposely, its only happend, same thing in Fidzi, there was moste powerfull cyklon in 20 years, when we went there. In Murwillumbah was great weather, before we did arrival, anyway you have world moste beautiful public toilets, and was really relaxing fishing your backyard with wine glas :sun:

I think that i come sooner that what i did even "Thinkabout", my self. But will see, will see, own trip planning is always fun.

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Again something new.

I did find articles from Fishraider site : http://www.fishraider.com.au/fishing-articles.php . There is articles different fishes, and when/how try catch them. I wandering, why i havent been interesting JEWFISH fishing before, its lookslike that it is powerfull fish. Have to study more about that and read that article.

BTW, is anyone now where is possible try hit kricket, or do enyone have kricket stick and ball? :brucelee:

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Hi Jani,

Having lived overseas for many years I know what it is like to miss Australia and it's fishing, I spent many nights dreaming about which fish I will catch first when I return home. I am only relatively new to Sydney but by the time you get here my boat and I will be much more experienced and would be happy to offer you yet another option for getting out on the water around Sydney (if you have any spare time during your busy trip!)

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Ok, new tips for trip plan. I get tip, that nowember not have monsoon season yet. So it is one chance come that time. But what can fishing then, and is it in Sydney allready warm then.

November is it really good time be out from Finland, cold, wet and dark allday. But question is, is it good time fishing in Sydney area?

Last time when i went there, Sydney was only place where did not rain alltime, anyway next time i bring my own waterproof oldtime rubber clothes. Maby rubber boots and lifejacket allso, for floods. :mad3:

Jani :sun:

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OK. We made decision with my wife. I can come and be there 2 weeks on your summer , season 2014-2015, between 1th november-appril 15th.

I have get tips, that late march/early april should be good, maby best time to come. Allso i have get tip, that november is it maby good time come, but can be windy.

My route come to be between Sydney and Forster.

I need more opinions for that times, if thinking weather and fishing?

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ha ha We look forward to seeing you again, Jani ..... we do tend to get a bit more rain late in the year & during Jan & Feb - so Nov or March/April would be fine - tho we've had really nasty winds on the east coast for the last 6 weeks - which is horrible - Even dangerous to be on the water!

I've always found March/April to be more reliable weather wise. You got hit with the rain all up the coast last time you were here - let's try & avoid it this time!! :D It won't be too hot then, either!



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  • 3 weeks later...

OK. next year november i come :flying: again. :sun: I dont know how i get money...but i have creditcard, oh yeah. Here is so dark now, you go work, is dark, you come back from work, its dark. Now is something to waite. One frend maby want come with me, but i dont know, will see.

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  • 1 month later...

Oh dear, sounds like you were 'stung', Donna?? We were with Keith's bike once - an extra $400!! :(

Great to hear your plans are coming along nicely, Jani!! A bit warmer here than over there just now, tho! :D



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