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They`re Here


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Been fishing(lures and plastics) and stalking this forum for about 6 months now. I have been struggling to really get anything other than squid, tailor and salmon.

Anyway, was out in a mates boat on wednesday with a goal of bream or flaties and after some landing small tailor near the zoo, a trawl near north head for fun, a couple bouts of sea sickness(myself), couple of bays throwing blades we had nothing. With the wind picking up we decided to head for home but with a last minute decison we found a nice calm bay.

Throwing blades and mate had given up, just chilling waiting for me to give in. I heard this noise, looked up and saw what i originally thought was waves breaking against a stone wall. But the surface was flat, no wake or waves. It was bait fish push up against the wall busting the surface with a few huge fish smashing through them, nothing like salmon or tailor I had seen before. Straight away my mate said kingies. Threw out the big rod, we always bring just in case, with a rapala lure trawlled around with minnkota on turbo in 2-5m of water. Managed to get the line tangled and everthing went quiet. Got em back out and was giving it another few minutes. There was squid ink in the water and few small smashed up fish.

Then there was a huge weight on my line, slow moving. Nothing like the king hits i had seen on TV, thought i had a shark or ray. Got it close to boat, didn`t see it. Then ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, game on.

Then 10 minutes later of sounding like a pair of screaming school girls our first kingie and all I can think about for the last few days.

95cm nose to relaxed tail tip (Do you squeeze the tail tips down to measure????), didn`t weigh it but felt a good 10kg with shaking arms and adrenalin. Feed a good 15 people with sashimi entree.

Thanks to all those who post and help out the newbies.



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That is a cracker first king!!! My first was 89cm and I remember it like it was yesterday even though it was almost 2 years ago. There is something about them which lingers in the brain for a long time. I am not sure if it is the pulling power or the massive runs or the feeling of accomplishment when you finally get them up but the first big king is something you just don't forget. Congrats mate and I hope there is many more to come for you.


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Awesome king there mate. Dont be too surprised at what you can get west of the bridge. A few years back I landed a 75cm king from the shore near Balmain on chicken gut fishing for bream on 6lb line lol.

keep em coming

cheers Daniel

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