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Hot Water In/Outlet Lake Macquarie


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Google maps and satellite view, there's Vales Pt at Mannering Park (inlet only by boat, outlet left of Mannering Park boat ramp or via Rutleys Rd) and also Eraring Power Station around Dora Creek (inlet) & Eraring. (outlet)


The restrictions prohibit anglers from fishing, from boats and on the shore, in or near the power station outlets in Lake Macquarie and Tuggerah Lakes, between Gosford and Newcastle on the NSW north coast, between 6pm and 6am from 1 May to 31 August each year.

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the out let is crap to many ass holes fish there the inlet is a red hot blue nose bream spot a night time spot.you need live nippers or blood worms or better still live prawns nippers dipped in tuna oil is the top bait cut a coke can lid off and dip the nippers in just before you cast out

the rig use a small split shot about a meter up from the hook cast out and retreave fast enough to keep it just off the bottom hit the deck and you get snagged the fish are actuly under your feet but you need to cast out to get the bait in the right spot and depth

this can be a hard spot to fish but if you use the method above with a little practice you will brain it with blue nose bream over40cm common

stay behind the hand rails because if you go for a swim your dead i hav'nt fished dora for 10 years so you may not even be able to fish there any more good luck and i look forward to a report cheers gary

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I personally havent fished the spot, but have mates thate have visited before. They reported catching rat cobia, assumably because of the raaised water temp. I know there are restrictions and and limits according to season and time, but i dont know the specifics. If you head up there, best of luck.


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I was just up at Dora creek for two days, caught loads of small bream lost a massive bream, biggest that was landed was 25cm, loads of fish there jumping out if the water just at sun down. Also the water was like a bath it would have to been 28 degrees

Edited by Ethan13
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