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Best Position for Transducer on older Haines Hunter v16


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Hi I have an older Haines Hunter v16. I have a 787 hummingbird sounder fitted. I have owned this boat for 30 years and have fitted a few different sounders over the years.

I have tried a few positions on the transom to fit the transducer but can not find a good position to get a proper sounding above 15km.

Can anyone help with a photo of where they have their transducer fitted on one of these hulls and if they can get a proper picture at speed or not


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Provided the bottom of the transducer is just below the water line when on the plane , is out near the side of the boat to avoid interference from the motor & there is no turbulance coming from under the boat , eg a rib then it should be OK.

Have you tried increasing the sensitivity ??

If you Google Hummingbird 787 there are quite a few video' s on the 787 & setting them up , perhaps one of these will assist.Geoff

Edited by Geoff
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Hi Jeff

The transducer is below the hull.

I have tried wide ,nearer to the motor and halfway between. The problem I see is the stringers on the bottom of the hull don't allow me a clean water area.

I did see a posting on the net that said if the transducer was fitted to the area in front of the motor that it is possible to get a clean reading.

This seemed to go against everything I had learnt.

Has anyone heard about this positioning.

I have turned the sensitivity up and that is not the problem.

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From the photos i think the tranny needs to swap position with the speed paddle. The tranny may also need to be a tad lower and angle the front face down a bit. The slide can cause slight indentations in the hull which can cause turbulence. Hope this helps..


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The 2nd & 3rd photo suggest the transducer is too high but in the 1st & 4th it looks OK.

I don't think that moving it to another position will help.

Try tilting it slightly forward & see if that improves the situation , if not , then as Bentstik suggest move down a few mm.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a Haines 635L. It looks like a very similar hull design at the stern. I too struggled with external transducer placement for many years - strangely enough Hummingbird as well. Had issues with transducer being knocked up, poor reading, intermittant reading etc etc.

In the end, I gave up on external mountings and epoxied mine to the bottom of the hull in the cavity just before the stern bung holes. I have never looked back. I can sound bottom at 60km/hr and at 480m at Browns Mountain. The only time I get bad readings is when I am in reverse and there is a lot of prop wash under the hull.

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Hi, I agree with Geoff, in the first two it is too high but the last two look OK so if it has been lowered in the last two pictures then it will be a case of changing angle.

Fitting internally, done correctly, does work if no air pockets in the hull.



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The transducer has not been altered in the four pictures. The angle the photos were taken give the impression that the transducer is too high.

I would not be able to mount the transducer internally without cutting a hole in the floor to access inside the bottom of the hull. I wanted to avoid this if I can.

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