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Sydney Harbour yesterday


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Hi Raiders,

Took my young bloke out for a fish yesterday. Hit the water at 5.00am and headed to Balmoral for some livies, had a dozen in about 30mins.

Went for a quick troll around Grotto Point and were into good sized salmon as soon as the lures hit the water my son had a ball and thought it was hilarious when a kayaker paddled under his line and almost copped a Salmon in the head as it jumped out of the water.

Then headed for north head, it was a little rough but decided to have a quick troll. We went out away from the heads and landed a couple of 50cm Doliies not big but a 1st for us both, I then threw on a xrap 20' diver and within 5-mins it was off. Not sure what it was but it went like the clappers and snapped my 50lb leader.

Ducked back into North Head to calmer water and managed a few rat kings.

All up not a bad day my son had a blast and keeps whinging that his arms are sore, would love to know what stole my new lure??

This is my 1st report, hope its O.K??


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Thats a fun day on the water!

I was also out and got stuck into those small dollies, they are everywhere. We Had no luck at north head, did you get the rats on lures or bait?



We got them on fresh shop bought squid, they wouldn't touch the livies??

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Welcome to the site Pete and that is a great report! It's a shame about the lost lure but not knowing what it was makes you want to go back for more!

Look forward to reading more of your posts!

Cheers scratchie!!!

Welcome to the site Pete and that is a great report! It's a shame about the lost lure but not knowing what it was makes you want to go back for more!

Look forward to reading more of your posts!

Cheers scratchie!!!

Thanks Guy's

It is a great site, I'm only new to boat fishing and have learn't heaps from following members reports and tips!!

I have been stewing on the bust off, going over what i could have done differently. It is a rod that santa brought for me and i think that the drag may be a bit more sensitive than my old ones??

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There are only two fish that would get through 50lb and they would have either sharp teeth or a beak. Considering all the bait around and high temps it could have been a baby black. Gives me hope as we had the spread out yesterday.

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There are only two fish that would get through 50lb and they would have either sharp teeth or a beak. Considering all the bait around and high temps it could have been a baby black. Gives me hope as we had the spread out yesterday.

It was a very clean break approx 2' up the leader???

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To add another possibility have heard of a couple of spanairds being caught while trolling for kings. First just south of the Hacking (I was sceptical).

The second from Jervis bay from a reliable source. They will cut clean thru line like lke the wahoo.

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To add another possibility have heard of a couple of spanairds being caught while trolling for kings. First just south of the Hacking (I was sceptical).

The second from Jervis bay from a reliable source. They will cut clean thru line like lke the wahoo.

One of angling's great mysteries I think, its given me the bug though to have another crack!!

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It has made me as keen as mustard to get out and have another crack!!!!

My mate has me recently into game fishing offshore pulling lures, i have to say it is a famine or a feast. When its bad its all day for nothing but when that drag screams!

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