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Yowie bay:PB snapper in the yak!?!?!?


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G'day raiders! Managed to get out on the water on tuesday after working all easter: cracking weather to head out! Launched at wonga road ramp after havin a good chat with some locals there and paddled off downstream. Had in mind to get something big on plastics, although I love my bream and flatties I've been craving something to stretch my shoulders a bit. Boy did I get it! Tied up to a spare mooring and started throwing a 5inch gulp jerkshad In pearl white on a bit 3/8th head. Got quite a few of them munched by what I guessed was little pinks. Threw out once more and a few rips in the line absolutely screams off. 10lb braid and 12 lb leader lucky I wasn't using my light setup...the runs it put on were blistering and I was sure it was going to dust me on mooring ropes a few times. But eventually it came up and a few frantic moments with the net had a 55cm~ snapper in the yak!! Definitely a pb as I don't think I've ever netted one over legal size! Was absolutely over the moon..Didn't expect that in yowie bay! Headed back to the ramp to get some ice as I realised I didn't have anyway to keep it. After hearin what I'd caught (and probably seeing the stupid grin on my face) the lady at the bottle shop was nice enough to give me some free :)

Took it home along with another bream I got, the roommate decided to trade me butterscoth pudding for snapper so we made a feast of it!

Thanks for reading through my over enthusiastic rant guys :) I know its not beating any raider records but best fight I've had and from the yak just made it that much better!

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amazing catch there for inside it would of put up a amazing fight to hope it tasted good


cheers sydneyfisher12 

Great job on plastics

Nice catch

Bet it tasted great

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Great stuff witha!!! That's a very respectable fish and you should be chuffed. Sounds like some hectic moments there on the yak.

Well done :)

Cheers scratchie!!!

That is a great fish and should get the Shire locals excited and out there soon!

Thanks guys! Tasted awesome if I do say so myself :P lemon, butter, chives, garlic and onion wrapped her up in foil and on the bbq :) now I've given myself an itch to get more large targets...never ends :P

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Bloody typical!

Wait till I'm slaving away, then go and catch the big one we missed the other week! Seriously though, good on ya, mate. That's just about as good as it gets, I reckon.

After looking at those pics, I'm hungry again. But at 11pm, I don't think the missus would appreciate me rattlin' pots and pans at the moment. I'll cook my next piece of flathead in your honour, though.

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Bloody typical!


Wait till I'm slaving away, then go and catch the big one we missed the other week! Seriously though, good on ya, mate. That's just about as good as it gets, I reckon.

After looking at those pics, I'm hungry again. But at 11pm, I don't think the missus would appreciate me rattlin' pots and pans at the moment. I'll cook my next piece of flathead in your honour, though.

Well done Witha, they go hard at that size and make a great feed. I can see by the look on your face you are pretty stoked hehe. Good form mate.

Haha sorry to rub it in Grey! Bet you're itching to get out by now!

Thanks Trout, definitely gave me a run for my money! Stoked is an understatement had to land on a beach and take a moment to gawk/cheer :P

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Good work!


I am yet to catch a legal snapper inside the harbour this year.


Yowie Bay,  from a Yak,   You guys sure get your fair share of fish.!



Haha thanks mate, mostly dumb luck at this stage...but I keep learning!

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Hi mate, is your tape in inches? its reading reading less than 55cm?


Tape is up towards the cam mate was just for scale. He's on a convex hatch on my yak spread out flat measured what I said :) in the photo of him cooked thats a 50cmish pan and I had to cut a fair chunk of his tail off to get him in :)

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Edited by Witha
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That's a great fish for yowie bay.

Anytime I'm there it's just the regulation 25cm teasers.

Thanks mate yup the rest of the day was trying to pull bream out of the swarms of juveniles. Least it's a healthy river!

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Great catch Witha!! Bet u weren't expecting that! Great effort mate, hopefully see u on Sunday

Cheers mate :) oh don't you worry I'll be there with bells on!

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