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Georges ghost


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On Tuesday I though I would have a go at a jewie in the Georges at my ususal spot. I arrived at 3pm to a perfect high tide with a slow moving eddy and started casting a 5inch clear flickbait. I soaked it in Gulp juice and smeared it with S Factor so it STANK.

After only 20 min I came tight on a solid jewie and had the Branzino screaming. This fish was a real goer, pulling drag in strong bursts and it took me about 10 minutes before I got the better of it and slid it into the net. Very happy with myself, I took a couple of quick shots (by myself again) and released a very healthy 75cm ghost back into the river.

I then continued for another 2 hours without a bite. If that wasnt enough I also spent 2 hours there on Wednesday and again another 2 hours of casting on Thursday. I can only say that there is nothing easy about catching these addictive little buggers.


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Yes you are correct with that comment. I hate seeing fish hung that way myself. I normally never hang them off the grips but I wanted 1 photo before release and I was by myself so I got the phone ready and snuck a quick 1 off. I took a friend the next day to help me get a better shot of me holding the fish horizontally and supported with my other hand but couldnt catch one.

Anyway thanks for pointing that out.

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No I let them go because they are so beautiful. I dont really like killing fish and really only target sport fish which arent usually that good for eating. I think the the water being so muddy there would give them a muddy taste too. I have caught a lot of flattys there but never been tempted to try them. Its not up in the toxic part of the river so Im not worried about chemical pollution.

Keep trying,(there is no other way), you will eventually get one. I miss out a lot more than I get lucky, but you can say that about a lot of fishing.

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Well done with the jewie! I totally agree with the comments about the grips. I don't like them at all for handling live fish, not even to weight them. If we are going to release them, we can at least acknowledge that no fish EVER feels its own weight, let alone by the jaw. And well done on your perseverance in the George's, issue.

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