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Sydney Jews and very strange by-catch


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With the weather warming up and no more friday night footy to watch i grabbed my son and the boat after work on Friday and went for a local Sydney Harbour fish.

In aim of fishing the low tide change we searched around for livies but couldnt find any! We had plenty of time to kill so we scanned around looking for a new spot to try. We found a new deep hole so we anchored up baited up and waited. Not long after we got our 1st little jew (59cm). Everything was quite for a while until we got another at 65cm. Once again it went quite so we started checking our baits. So son said he must have catfish on as he had a dead weight on his rod. As it surfaced in the dark it started kicking a splashing so i grabbed the torch to see what it was and what a supprise - a crayfish! 2kg of cray!! The hook had hooked it from one of its legs.

Anyway we baited and waited again, it was until roughly 10.30pm that we got some better size fish one at 73cm and one at 78cm.

All in all was a nice peacefull and semi productive evening.



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After taking a while to unhook it as they go wild and clamp to you while trying to handle them with all the sharp pieces. I considered keeping it as i was craving lobster mornay but being that it was sydney harbour i let it free. I will now need to pay $200 for a 2kg live lobster to forfill my craving.

Could anyone confirm is it would of been safe to eat?

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Awesome!!! I've seen that happen before on a fishing show, with Al Mclashin I think, when he was jewie fishing at Juno Point. I would be doing cartwheels if I pulled up a cray

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

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Thought I read it before, so checked again with the Fisheries regs.

You are not permitted to catch a rock lobster on a line.

A bit over the top I think, it's not like you will catch a lobbie on a line every day. Fishing for over 50 years, and I have never caught one on a line.

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What alucky cray.99 out of 100 fishos would have kept it to eat or give away.Apparently large numbers migrate seasonally from the deep but there are also many that stay in a given inshore area.You can catch them in Tassie on atangled mono line with fish bait in the middle between the shoreline boulders.this can be done in Wineglass Bay though unsure of legality of method. cheers wizza

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top session, wish i had half the nack of picking up jewies as some raiders.

I think you did the right thing not eating the cray, especially if you were around or west of the bridge.

It probably would'nt do a lot of harm eating it once every blue moon

When you think about it, not knowing for sure if and how it may effect us, is it really worth the chance?

lol, its a new spot he just found so I think sydney harbor is about all we are getting plankton.

Thanks for the report

Edited by bede
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