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the man who fished the southerly

Krispy !

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There once was a man addicted to fishing. He was sitting at home one morning, looking at the trees dancing in the strong southerly gust when a genius idea struck him, he was going to go fishing. Quickly, he grabbed a couple rods and sped off in his car, trying to avoid schoolzone traffic. At roughly 3pm, he arrived at the destination, wind ruffling his hair and stinging his eyes. But still, the man pushed on, bravely into the southerly wind lashing his face with bitterness. It was then that the man came to a realisation, he would have to add a sinker to his rig, a tear came to his eye as he thought of putting on the cursed sinker, but he wiped away the tears and done so anyway, sensing that this was his only option. he grabbed the glistening blade and began cutting pilchards. He penetrated the pilchard cube with the hook and flung it as hard as he could into the oncoming southerly cyclone. With baits set, the man begun to whistle with the wind, keeping himself entertained until the baits were taken. It was at that moment, his reel began to scream in agony. He ran over to comfort his reel and he struck hard, lodging the hook deep into the mouth of thr beast, which felt as heavy as moby dick. The beast was taking line at an incredible rate, however the man knew he couldnt give in, he pumped up and reeled down as the lactic acid begun the build up in his arms. The man could feel the beast starting to give in as he followed it around almost as if he was gliding in the wind. Then suddenly, a large disturbanve broke the surface, but it wasn't Moby Dick, it was a kingfish!!! The man quickly hauled it up and broke into tears of satisfaction,. He had achieved his lifetime goal which he had suffered so immensly hard to acheive, and the fact he achieved it during a raging southerly was testament to his attitude. He measured it and decided to feast on his amazing capture which was 65cm long to the tip of its bright yellow tail. He lived happily ever after.

The end.


Edited by Krispy !
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Through the utilization of personification in the quote "cursed sinker" a sense of deprivation is established creating a gloomy atmosphere against the man's fishing abilities. This is supported by the ambitious exclamation of "it was a kingfish!!!" which evoked a sense of surprise through the use of high modality language and ecstatic tone.

Haha enough hsc english bullshit, thats a nice fish. I always wanted to catch a kingfish,

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nice work mate. lol good write up and fish to match.[emoji106][emoji106]

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Thanks champ!

Haha! Nice work man- lovely fish and a nice story to boot.

Thanks lol I had abit of time on my hands :P

Great work mate you've been onto those kings lately

The wind will never stop me great work fishing in it. It can be hard at times

Keep up the great work and go get some more great fish

Cheers sydneyfisher12

Thanks mate, fishing in the wind isnt all that bad if you have a couple jumpers handy

Where was this epic story of man against nature going I thought...

To a fitting conclusion. We'll done buddy... A most deserving catch.



Thanks buddy, I was wondering where the story was headed myself :P

Through the utilization of personification in the quote "cursed sinker" a sense of deprivation is established creating a gloomy atmosphere against the man's fishing abilities. This is supported by the ambitious exclamation of "it was a kingfish!!!" which evoked a sense of surprise through the use of high modality language and ecstatic tone.

Haha enough hsc english bullshit, thats a nice fish. I always wanted to catch a kingfish,

AHAHAH you just reminded me man!! Dont miss those days at all

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It's nice to have a kingie hit the legal size Krispy, especially when the wind is howling away - usually no other fishos to annoy you when the wind is blowing.

And a good story to go with it (have you been reading Aesop's Fables lately?)

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Was this your submission for the HSC?

I wish it was, I might have done abit better :P

Awesome report and great catch!

Thanks mate!

great to see abreeder of bulldogs and shitzus well done

Mate im a good breeder at that!

Well done mate

I love the write up

And what a great fish to go with it

Well done

Good to see the the kings are just about here

Cheers thefisherman6784

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Thanks champ, kings have definitely turned up

It's nice to have a kingie hit the legal size Krispy, especially when the wind is howling away - usually no other fishos to annoy you when the wind is blowing.

And a good story to go with it (have you been reading Aesop's Fables lately?)

Was happy for it to hit 65, on first look I thought it was under. I havent read aesop but I might have to!
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