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Happy wife or angry wife?


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For the married people out there how many times do you guys go fishing in a month?

Everytime you go fishing does your wife gets upset? Can too much fishing turn your relationship into hell?

For the singles out there how many times do you go out fishing in a month?

Just wondering.

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Mines fine... She likes to plan things without telling me though so for the next 2 weekends I'm apparently "booked up" which gets very frustrating. But yeah she lets me go when ever i want although she does say that if we have afternoon or evening plans that i need to give myself time to get an hours sleep in between else i get grumpy.

Best advice - drag her along with you!

Happy wife - happy life!

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While I would love to spend all my spare time fishing, I just try to balance the time. If I am fishing it generally means she is looking after the kids which I think causes the most issues if I am out and they give her a hard time. If we have something to do then that takes priority, but if all we would be doing is sitting in front of the TV I tend to just say I am heading out.

From her point of view she just would like to spend time together rather than me being at work or off fishing all the time.

Usually I can get out once a weekend. If I actually came home with more fish though I think she would believe it is more worthwhile!

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What a topic.

Don't you know that some wives read the posts on this site?

Talk about stirring the pot!

Not going there, I have a happy marriage and have no intention of commenting on this one. Ha, Ha



Lol :)

You must have a really happy marriage

Should give some pointers for the strugglers out there like myself

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What a topic.

Don't you know that some wives read the posts on this site?

Talk about stirring the pot!

Not going there, I have a happy marriage and have no intention of commenting on this one. Ha, Ha



Haha hank! As the saying goes happily married??

She's= happy

Your= married

For the record, I fish whenever the weather allows me too! It's not up to my wife if I can go fishing!

I guess I set the ground rules early! But tbh I'm a pretty lucky man.

Cheers scratchie!!!

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I advised my Girlfirend before we got engaged that I need time for fishing, it was quite clear that if she didn't allow me time to go fishing at least every fortnight then it wasnt going to work. (my trips are a day adventure its not worth me taking the boat out and cleaning for jsut and hour or so).

So twice a month for me and yes she gets whingy but the trick is every other weekend you have to do what she wants so she somehow still wins!

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I get to go fishing at least once a week by myself, i generally try and take the little fella on a seperate trip once a week and the minister for war and finance and the little princess will come along about once a month.

Having said that if the right fish are getting caught on the forums i.e. flathead then the wife will pester me almost daily about going to get her a feed.



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I guess I'm pretty lucky. I get to go when ever I get a chance. No dramas.

Often I get home to kids asleep in bean bags on the floor, wife passed out on the lounge, empty box of chockies on the coffee table and some silly girlie movie on the tele. So they have girls night in.

Sundays they like to come with me for a shot around the Lake for Flathead or Bream followed by coffee and B&E rolls or croissants

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I have a good set up,as I told the wife.I work 5 days for the family,1 day for the wife{cutting grass,cleaning,or what else she tells me to do} and that leaves 1 day for me..for fishing.....if Im aloud out..lol

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Going fishing on Saturday, Anyway last weekend went shopping with the misses and told her I needed some squid , I said it will cost about 20 dollars , So I got some squid big ones and some small bottle squid and 3 slimies , The lady wrapped up the goods , Yes that's 53 dollars, OUCH My wife paid for it and then walked out, LOL, Got in the car SILENCE. Still got to get money for fuel. UM I don't know how I am going to hit her up for t 2 motors when I need them, WOW that's going to be a big ask. PS TO MEMBERS with WIFES say they don't want us to go fishing , Think about they have time to themselves AH HA. Who's playing who. Keep it a secret.

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I have to have a say here fellas - I am female and OWN fishraider :whistling:

Now I have noticed lots of things since I became involved with fishos.

There are several types of members on here:

  • young boys who stay with us as they grow up and go through school - they love their fishing. Generally they become less frequent visitors once they start working, going to uni and meeting a partner, a natural progression and we love to see them back later
  • newly married guys who love to look and remember when they had no repsonsibilities
  • returnees that have married and had kids and start to get back into fishing - they always consider the family and enjoy teaching wives and kids and involving them
  • older about to retire people that have more time to fish again
  • then there is the sad group of lonely men whose marriage's have broken up because they spent too much time fishing and not paying attention to the needs and wants of their wives and kids!!

eastwood don't become one of the last group unless you want to be a lonely old bloke with only a fishing rod and lures to keep you company

and chocolate I won't even comment on your post and the "secret"

PS Moral is be kind to your family and be a man and attend to their needs, get a feed for the table by all means but don't overdo it

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Got a very understanding Wife I keep her Happy and I can go fishing any time Except when she has thingies marked in her Diary then its a NO Fishing Day . She is Cool & very Understanding . Boys got do what they gota Do .

Cheers Oziodin

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My wife doesn't mind me going fishing at all. She likes me having a hobby. I suppose I am pretty lucky. It would be nice to come home with more fish though. You tend to feel like a loser when the missus says "how many did you catch today luv" and you hang your head down in shame and say "nothing was biting today". Also, I take her out with me sometimes but not out of the estuary as she gets nervous and asks me to slow down and go back. Overall she is happy and I don't have any problems yet. Keep in mind I have only had the boat for just over a month.

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The best solution is to invite her/them along. I am actually lucky, she has always enjoyed fishing, I make sure she is fully involved, if she makes the choice to not come along then that decision is hers and I have to find someone else to go with. It is usually her though that checks out the weather and tides and lets me know when it is a good time to go out.....hell she will even drive over to pick up the bait whilst I get the boat ready.....hang on....maybe she is trying to get rid of me!

I have learnt over the years, if you make it sound like you will be disappointed if she doesn't come along....extra bonus points and usually a promise of "maybe next time"


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Hi Mate

I have been fishing land based for the last 5 years and only recently got married last year. I bought a boat in May this year.

What I have found to work best is honest and open communication ( assuming your partner is reasonable and fair), and just being diligent with general house and family duties.

I go fishing every week if I can, preferably on weekends and on my boat, if we both have weekend plans I use my past landbased spots for a night time fish. I don't neglect my commitments to go fishing and in return I take the best opportunity during the week to go wet a line. This generally works well and my missus is happy.

I have an unfair advantage (over some others in this forum) in that we don't have children as yet, so while I'm out fishing on the weekends or weeknights my missus also has the opportunity to have some girl time with her friends, shopping, coffee catchups or just having her own relaxing time at home.

I guess once children come along this agreement may have to adapt, but the theory is the same. Make time for the wife/house and then take the best opportunity in the week to go fish.

There have been some weeks where there's too much to do and no time to fish, but on the flipside I have had weeks where I have been out on both Saturday and Sunday !

Common sense can go a long way.

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Yup, it's all balance, priorities and a bit of empathy. I try to work fishing around whatever else needs to be done, and only sometimes book time for it in advance.

I think work is more responsible for making me miss good fishing than the family ;)

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Guest stephanb79


Been married for 12 years and I just bought a new boat is this is what I have found

* anything she says I says YES

* do the beds in the morning she happy

* do the dishes she is happy

* do washing she is happy

* help with the house work she is happy

* bath the kids she is happy

If I cant manage to do all this WHICH I DO ;) and tell her im going fishing she is happy BUT if I dont she get angry !!!!

So whay I have learnt in 12 years ???


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My wife is a relationship councillor.

I hear about relationship issues every day of the week.

Here are some of things I have learned... at the risk of being deep.

About 50% of relationships end in divorce

Couples nearly always fail to listen and understand their partners perspective

Men are often surprised when their partners want to leave them

Women eventually give up asking for their men to engage in the relationship and the children/domestic responsibilities.

If it gets to the stage where the women put up and shut up they start a process of detaching themselves emotionally from their man and thats almost impossible to recover from.

Divorces are ugly and bitter and the kids get caught up in the middle.

I go fishing when ever I want and thats about once per week.

We share the domestic duties and responsibility for the kids as much as possible.

My wife really gets the connection I have with fishing.

I really get the importance she places in me being tuned in to whats happening at home so she doesn't feel like

she is alone.

We take every opportunity to show appreciation for each other, we have regular outings without the kids and we talk about the trick stuffy when it comes rather than let it fester.

We have been together for 37 years. We are both 55 and we have 4 kids ( 32,27,15,12)

The final word... relationships are like anything else... they need maintenance and should not be taken for granted.

Cheers and good luck.


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