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Port Hacking - fish are there


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Pumped some nippers yesterday so I could have an early fish. Drifted the sand flats in Gunnamatta bay at first light on the horizon, for the 3 bream and 1 whiting. Once there was just enough light to see, the fish stopped biting, so I packed up and headed to Maianbar flats and further towards South West Arm, for no bites other than little whiting.

Near the mouth of South West Arm, in shallow water, the trevally grabbed a nipper, no mucking about, it just took off. When the line did not stop, I started the motor and followed the fish through the channel and back over the flats again. Eventually into the net, the hook fell out, a quick photo and back into the drink to terrorise some other whiting fisherman. Trevally do like feeding in the shallow water at times. 6 pound mono on a light rod and reel. (don't know what happened with the photo, it won't sit the right way up for me)

I saw a couple of tailor kicking about in the South West Arm, so tried out a lure for a while and managed one, then they started kicking about. The fish popped up in different places, so it was a matter of following the schools about. Then some frigates turned up, they followed the lure many times for no hits, so I downsized to a 7 gram metal slice. Eventually hooked one, then a tailor bit off the lure a few casts later.

I headed up the middle of the Arm to where some fish were kicking about, then a school of baitfish were under attack just out from the boat, and it was on. Dozens of frigates into the attack, plus tailor and one good salmon that I hooked but it jumped and spat out the lure. Caught a few tailor there, rat kingies were following the hooked tailor, tailor spitting out the lure as well, another frigate on the lure then that small lure chewed off again. The frigates were tearing up the schools of anchovies, and as they hit an anchovie, the scales fell off and other frigates were attacking the sinking scales right beside the boat.

Most frigates were of the size that I landed, not big, but a couple of bigger ones there as well. Gear was a whippy rod with 9 pound mono and small pilchard like lures.

The fish slowed down, it was hot with no breeze, so I headed home. Kept the fish as I have a few friends that wanted a feed, plus a few feeds for the family and me. The tailor were chunky, the heaviest one weighing 2 pound, and they fought hard.



Edited by yowie
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Yowie, does your wife ever get sick of eating fish? You've got a 3 course meal there mate. Nice work yet again :banana:

cheers scratchie!!!

YES. She's lucky I only fish once a week :074:

Shared the fish around to 5 lots of family and friends, so nothing wasted.

The frigates were salted for bait.

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Welldone yowie the frigates have turned up I caught over 20 today in the harbour on metals

Good work Krispy. The frigates have just turned up in the Port as well.

They followed up my larger lure many times, but when I changed to a small one, which gave me a hook up, the tailor were straight on to it and chewed them off. Too many tailor in the feeding frenzy, some of the anchovies were jumping 2 feet out of the water trying to escape being eaten.

It was a feeding frenzy just out from the boat, lasted non-stop for 10 minutes or more. Frigates, tailor, salmon, rat sized kingies. A couple of fishos in kayaks pulled out a few as well, and one of them yelled out that a BIG kingie was swimming under his kayak.

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Well done Yowie. Nice bag of fresh fish and a stonker trev.

Thankyou, the trev took off like a rocket. The reel just kept buzzing, he was not stopping so I motored after him. The line picked up lumps of weed along the way so I had to steer the boat (elbow on the tiller) while holding the rod and removing the lumps of weed from the line as well. Not easy.

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I think its time the swordfisherman had a re-visit of the Hacking with results like that...well done and I am in need of some nice bait for a few jewfish runs off the beach

The frigates would make a good bait off the beaches.

The kayak fisho said he saw a big kingie under his kayak. A live frigate dropped underneath the thrashing fish might produce one of those big kingies. Good luck if you give it a go.

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