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Gladesville Jewfish


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Posting my first report after having followed this site for a while . Been fishing sydney harbour and parra river for about a year , and i find most of the posts really interesting . Hit the Parra river early this morning with my mate (praying for the rain to hold off ) and searching for jew fish around the gladesville area . the day didn't disapoint with my friend catching 3 jews with the biggest going 66cm . iIn between those was a trevally ,2 flathead and a legal bream .. All the while i am still on a big fat DONUT... decided to hit one more spot as the rain was looking ominous and used my go to lure The Squid Vicious to round out the section with one jewfish for me at 60cm and my pride intact. All in all a great morning !!!


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I know it's none of my business but I have 2 comments.

1. Congrats on the Jew and for avoiding a donut

2. Suspending the fish from the mouth like that can't be good for catch and release.

True, it is none of your business :whistling:

Congrats to chevvyyy on his jewie and his first post with us on fishraider.

Welcome to our community

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Great session boys

Pretty sure it was u guys out there we saw?

If so nice to have a chat

Cheers Gianni

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

thnx guys , congrats on the jew that day and on the kings the next . You boys got skills. See you out there next time !!!

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