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Sydney Sunday and a new PB


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Gday Raiders

Well two lovely days this weekend, after going out for a fish yesterday,last night the mrs said "do you mind if i go to the beach with my friends? you can go fishing".

In an act that could have won me a golden globe, i expressed my "disappointment" and "reluctantly" agreed.

Dad decided to come along too, we headed east from Sydney Harbour and drifted for blue spots, we ended up with 3 and then suddenly my rod takes off screaming....WAT THE? after a 20 minute battle bringing up what felt like 100 sacks of potatoes a 2m mako came to the surface, " get the phone dad" one tail shake and it was gone before we had a chance to take a photo. Was an interesting sight none the less.

Moved on to shallower water and picked up another 3 blue spots, then a big bend in the rod, no head shakes. bring it up from the depth i see a circular shape " bloody stingrays". Get it to the surface and its a HORSE flounder at 43cm and a new PB!!, i didnt even know they get that big. Now i dont particularly like to eat flounder and given the size of this fish I had wanted to release her, but she was foul hooked straight through the eye and had made a real mess.

the picture will give you some context of how big she is, the largest blue spot was 46cm. even more upsetting when i found her full of roe later.

it was a lovely day to be out, navy still doing training operations off north head.

thanks for reading


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Sounds like a great session. Nice mixed bag. You don't say if you bit the flounder on bait or sp.

Current records are 41cm and 39cm

If you don't still have the fish to measure. Put a tape against the plate. And submit for a badge. Scratchie may be feeling generous.

Well done.

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Nice going! I'm sure you quickly got over your "disappointment" and had the boat and gear packed in seconds, all the while thinking of your plan! Correct???

Did you get a measurement at all? It sure looks like a big flounder but to take the title it needs to be measurable.

Cheers scratchie!!!

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