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Georges River Whiting


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Newbie, first post. This whiting was caught on blood worms in the Georges River last weekend. I go out most Sundays with my sons and enjoy a bit of bait fishing and flicking SPs. Haven't invested in the brag mat yet, but this fish would have to be 40 plus. The misus still cant find her green hand towel that the young bloke borrowed for the tinny. The boys wanted the fish to be put in COTM. It was released after the photo.


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Hi nwatson

Nice whiting there mate and welcome to Fishraider - just as an aside my wife has been troubled by inexplicable hand towel disappearances over the years too. I blame the wind and a poor clothes pegging technique but she's seems to think there are other forces at play.


Blood Knot

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Nice fish! Re hand towel, I was surf fishing last week and had my white hand towel hanging out of my pocket but must have dropped it on a cast out. 10 mins later i saw this white square going past in a wave and I thought, 'Wow, look at that, some idiot polluting this beautiful environment!'

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Hi guys, thanks for the comments. Yes, it was caught at Como, just past the bridge. I take the tinny out most weekends for a bit of a fish with my sons. Usually on a Sunday. As soon as Monday rolls around they're talking about going again the next weekend. :fisher:

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