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Eastern Suburbs King off the Stones


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I went for a sneaky after work fish last night to make the most of daylight savings before it ends.

I look 3 frozen garfish and a bag full of lures.

While waiting for the garfish to thaw I tied on a white xxxrap and began casting.

Not long after I got a good hit and a big salmon flew out of the water, it jumped all over the place but the hooks stayed

connected and on the heavy gear I was using I had him at my feet pretty soon and washed him up and out unhooked and returned.

A few casts later and another hit had me thinking salmon again but smaller so I just about skull dragged it in until it was at my feet and it turned out to be the bonnie pictured.

You beauty sashimi on the table.

A few more cast didn't yield anything and the garfish were well thawed and ready for a swim.

I cast and retrieved the 1st garfish until it started to disintegrate beyond use and turned it into burley.

The second one was about half done when a tentative bump turned into a violent jerk and solid weight.

The difference between a keeper king and nearly equivalent sized salmon is light years apart and I knew in seconds this was a better fish.

It took a couple of good runs and was zipping all over the place looking for some cover. The rod and reel did its job and soon enough the fish was in close.

A few more last ditch dives for the rocks at my feet and it was done, washed out and mine.

Double sashimi oh yeah.

I bleed it and put it in the rock pool with the bonnie and rigged up the last garfish.

This one lasted about 5 casts and was smashed by a rat on the surface right in close on the edge of the white water, he couldn't take any line against the drag and was washed up and out in double quick time kissed and returned.

Out of bait I changed back to the xxxrap for a few more casts with no action so I packed up and cleaned the fish.

The bonnie stomach was empty but the king had a perfect whole fresh squid complete with a heap of ink.

The squid was so fresh it still had the green colour around it's eyes and looked good enough to eat which I contemplated for a couple of seconds.

If I hadn't of packed up my gear I would of definitely used it for bait then and there, instead it went back in to feed some other lucky sea creature.

It was a good afternoon with action and the bonus of a feed to take home.


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Kingies off the rocks on lures has it all. Preparation, anticipation, success followed by heart in mouth adrenaline pumping hand to hand combat and ultimate victory or crushing defeat, The 5kg fish are more manageable but I am 0 - 3 on the 15 kg bruisers that once or twice a year seem to mistake my 65 gram knight for prey, even on 40lb mono!

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Thanks everybody for the positive replys

Nice catch what setup are you using?

I was using a 2.7m 24kg graphite rod, saragoosa 10000, 65lb power pro and 80lb fluro leader 4x 5/0 mustad 7766d hooks linked with black majic swivels, pink rubber squid and a small ball sinker

Nice one! So all this happened before dark?

Yes it did all happen before dark just fading light

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Thanks everybody for the positive replys

I was using a 2.7m 24kg graphite rod, saragoosa 10000, 65lb power pro and 80lb fluro leader 4x 5/0 mustad 7766d hooks linked with black majic swivels, pink rubber squid and a small ball sinker

Yes it did all happen before dark just fading light

Thanks for your detail reply. Much appreciated

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Thanks for the report. Nice catch.

I was using a 2.7m 24kg graphite rod, saragoosa 10000, 65lb power pro and 80lb fluro leader 4x 5/0 mustad 7766d hooks linked with black majic swivels, pink rubber squid and a small ball sinker

Intersting you put a 65lbs line / 80 lbs Leader on a 33lbs Max Drag reel.

I ask, because I just bough a PENN SPINNFISHER which has a similar Max Drag, but only put a 40lbs braid and 50lbs Fluoro leader.

Is this because you fish from the rock, or is that a fairly common setup, and I missed the point ? ( I would use my rod from the boat, for chasing Kings, but similar location as you caought yours )

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Thanks for the report. Nice catch.

Intersting you put a 65lbs line / 80 lbs Leader on a 33lbs Max Drag reel.

I ask, because I just bough a PENN SPINNFISHER which has a similar Max Drag, but only put a 40lbs braid and 50lbs Fluoro leader.

Is this because you fish from the rock, or is that a fairly common setup, and I missed the point ? ( I would use my rod from the boat, for chasing Kings, but similar location as you caought yours )

I don't think anybody exactly matches their entire rig to rated line classes.

65lb is a compromise between cast ability and strength nothing to do with the reels rated drag

40lb braid and 50lb leader will be ok fishing from a boat go hard early and if everything stays tight you "might" win

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Up here we use 20-40lb braid with 20-50lb leader and 5.5kg drag reels and 10-17lb rods for mangrove jack, depending on what your chasing you can usually go outside your gears recommended limits just pay attention to how your gear is performing during the fight and adjust your drag accordingly. Ill also point out that my 5.5kg curado actually has spool capacity numbers starting with 30lb braid up to 50lb on the box so that tells you something there.


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