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Sydney Sunday


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Gday all, what a difference a day makes. After the northerly blew all night, yesterdays glass was replaced by a short nor east swell of half to a metre. Not a great deal of wind and virtually no current. Water constant 21.5.

Went north of the heads to around 90M without a decent bite, couple of under sized flatties was the result after 3 hours.

More life around than yesterday huge pod of dolphins cruising,albatross and a mad flock of tuna birds.

High tide was at 930 and the northerly started to pick up. Moved into the 70s and drift and current changed, thank god as most of Sydneys reefs work best on a noth south drift or vice versa.

Pretty soon as the ebb went it went off. I have not had snapper fishing like it for a long time, 25 snapper in 45 minutes with trag and others.

Exactly an hour later that was it, finished as quick as it began. So not a bad way to end the morning.


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Thanks guys, it was an interesting morning. Yes yowie that is a pigfish, the female. The male is under there somewhere. Also 1 bluespot, the only one for the day. So they have probably moved back in only a bit further. All the snapper took pillies and all were devoid of row which makes me think they will move soon back to deeper water. All were very healthy and most had white fat developing.

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Nice catch. I was out last Wednesday and caught a few a mile or so off Whale Beach. One of the fish looked like that one looked like the one front left in your catch picture. Next to a Snapper and under the Bonito.

As we did not know what it was we threw it back, even though it was a decent size.

What is it and are they good eating?



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