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Outgunned and a new PB


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G'day raiders,

It's been a while since my last post, but I have been reading with interest all of your travels and catches. With the warmer weather, here's hoping to tight lines for us all!

With the day off work (thanks public holiday) and no kids social activities to contend with, I headed down to what is quickly becoming my new favourite spot on the George's. Now, to be honest, I almost called it quits while I lay in my nice warm bed and thought about rolling over and getting some much needed sleep. Given the weather outside, it sure was tempting.

Anyway, in between contending with the wind, I ended up bagging a total of 16 bream. Most of them were undersized, but a few were almost legal and put up a great fight on my light gear. This session easily outstripped the most in a session and I was stoked.

In the between the bream-a-thon, I hooked up on something which was definitely not a bream...and lost all 3 times.

The first time, there was no tap-tap-tap, just a whole swallow and run. This lasted all of 10 seconds before my hook came undone...dammit!!!!. The second time, same thing (swallow and run) and after a little bit of a fight either my leader (8 pound mono) broke, was chewed or I got run over a snag.

The 3rd time, it was like the mystery fish was sucking on the bait. Anyway, I've hooked it and did my best to let the fish run when it wanted, but kept the pressure applied. This time, I manged to get it about 10 feet away and was eagerly looking forward to seeing what it was and then....gone! Same thing happened with the line as #2.

So, I'm thinking up upgrading to a bigger leader (maybe 10-12 pound) and would appreciate anyone's thoughts. I'm just worried this might be off-putting to the bream which are the usual fare on such trips.

Thanks for reading.



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Your mystery fish is possibly a Ray, I find they do tend to hang around when they figure a feed is on offer. I have previously brought one boatside after being snapped off twice in a row, thinking I was chasing a big Flatty (only to then high stick my rod and snap it in three whilst wondering how to unhook the Ray!).

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Excellent take on the bream. Were you using plastics or bait?

Certainly tantalising to hook onto something several times and never get a peak at it. Happened to me two nights in a row some months back. Big big hits on a jew bait with torpedo runs that would go on forever. The fish was impossible to lift or move. Actually thought I might get it in the second time.

Convinced now it was a big ray. Makes me feel better.

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Excellent take on the bream. Were you using plastics or bait?

Certainly tantalising to hook onto something several times and never get a peak at it. Happened to me two nights in a row some months back. Big big hits on a jew bait with torpedo runs that would go on forever. The fish was impossible to lift or move. Actually thought I might get it in the second time.

Convinced now it was a big ray. Makes me feel better.

Thanks. Was using Chicken as bait. Yep, very frustrating not knowing what it was, or being able to go back anytime soon :)

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Your mystery fish is possibly a Ray, I find they do tend to hang around when they figure a feed is on offer. I have previously brought one boatside after being snapped off twice in a row, thinking I was chasing a big Flatty (only to then high stick my rod and snap it in three whilst wondering how to unhook the Ray!).

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Ouch re the rod! I've caught a few small ones before and this was different. Whatever this was was trying to run in any direction it could whereas the Ray's i've caught before just generally are happy to be towed along.

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G'day raiders,

It's been a while since my last post, but I have been reading with interest all of your travels and catches. With the warmer weather, here's hoping to tight lines for us all!

With the day off work (thanks public holiday) and no kids social activities to contend with, I headed down to what is quickly becoming my new favourite spot on the George's. Now, to be honest, I almost called it quits while I lay in my nice warm bed and thought about rolling over and getting some much needed sleep. Given the weather outside, it sure was tempting.

Anyway, in between contending with the wind, I ended up bagging a total of 16 bream. Most of them were undersized, but a few were almost legal and put up a great fight on my light gear. This session easily outstripped the most in a session and I was stoked.

In the between the bream-a-thon, I hooked up on something which was definitely not a bream...and lost all 3 times.

The first time, there was no tap-tap-tap, just a whole swallow and run. This lasted all of 10 seconds before my hook came undone...dammit!!!!. The second time, same thing (swallow and run) and after a little bit of a fight either my leader (8 pound mono) broke, was chewed or I got run over a snag.

The 3rd time, it was like the mystery fish was sucking on the bait. Anyway, I've hooked it and did my best to let the fish run when it wanted, but kept the pressure applied. This time, I manged to get it about 10 feet away and was eagerly looking forward to seeing what it was and then....gone! Same thing happened with the line as #2.

So, I'm thinking up upgrading to a bigger leader (maybe 10-12 pound) and would appreciate anyone's thoughts. I'm just worried this might be off-putting to the bream which are the usual fare on such trips.

Thanks for reading.



Good Report.

The mystery fish I believe is a EEL. I had same thing happen to me in Georges river. They don't give up and stay around for a while. I had around 3 bust offs as well. When i upgraded leader to around 14lb i managed to get him in around 80cm.

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