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Drought broken

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Guest Guest123456789

Hi Raiders,

Finally caught three fish to break a long losing streak.


Went off the rocks at and despite loads of salmon schooling up at the northern end I took my luderick gear. Swell was a lot bigger than I expected.


Im a novice luderick fisho so tried a few different rigs and bait presentation types. No hits. The tide was running out and a lower ledge looked fishable.


line goes tight, felt a few head shakes then I come up slack. Yes! There are fish here and they're feeding.


rerigged and back out again. After 10 mins line starts peeling off like I hooked the newcastle flyer. Got the fish up the rocks. Didn't measure it but around the 40cm mark black drummer.

next up was a smaller black drummer about 35cm. Then finished up with a luderick which was closer in.

wind picked up and also became too low to fish so called it a day. On a side note I took and old pair of footy boots and they work a treat instead of rock boots or cleats!


thanks for reading. Luke


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