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Beach for Big Jews


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Hi everyone,

How much line would I need to stop a big jew off the beach? I am considering buying either the Fin Nor Lethal 80 or the Fin Nor Lethal 100. The 80 holds 300 metres of 20lb mono, whilst the 100 holds 300 metres of 30lb mono. 

Which reel would everyone recommend?



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After speaking with a guy over the weekend who has had several over 40kg on 30lb gear I would of thought for the average Jew 20lb is more than enough. 

My biggest from the shore was 23kg and taken on 20 lb braid with a 50 lb mono leader.


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The LT100 is a nice reel. I have put 40LB Gliss on it, 300 meters, and the reel is only half full.

This includes a mono-backing.You can tie braid directly too it if you want, and it has 24KGdrag

if you need to stop something big. For the price, its a good reel.

You have to flip the bail arm back over after casting as it doesn't do it when you wind.

This is so you can cast without worrying about accidentally having the arm flip back. I forget

what the line per wind is, but I remember thinking it was pretty good




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20 hours ago, Fishing_Maniac said:

Hi everyone,

How much line would I need to stop a big jew off the beach? I am considering buying either the Fin Nor Lethal 80 or the Fin Nor Lethal 100. The 80 holds 300 metres of 20lb mono, whilst the 100 holds 300 metres of 30lb mono. 

Which reel would everyone recommend?



The 100 is a completely different reel to the 80. If your set on these reels I'd buy the 100 although they do have a habit of snapping

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27 minutes ago, cos said:

At the risk of starting an argument...Is there any reason you don't want to use braid in the surf?

Allows for a much smaller reel with the 250-300m of line capacity you're after.



Personaly i only use braid from the shore and have done done for years.

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23 hours ago, cos said:

Likewise. I'm just curious if there is any advantage to using mono in the surf?

So many people swear by it. 

I've heard that being dragged/washed around in the surf and sand can lead to weakening and damage of braided line over time. Mono I guess also has that extra stretch which can help when pulling in fish amongst breaking waves.

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On 12/12/2016 at 2:08 PM, JonD said:



Personaly i only use braid from the shore and have done done for years.


Big jew have a hard, bony mouth & are hard to get the hooks into.

The lack of stretch in braid help drive the hook home.

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I use braid as i think i have better contact with the bait. I also think there is a lot less sideways drag from wind and waves on braid than mono.

Some people say that the stretch in the mono stops the wave and wind drag from dislodging the sinker from the sand. I don't think this presents a problem as long as you have a "light" bend through your rod while the sinker is settled and the rod can bend and straighten with the action of the waves this is fine. If your rod tip is too stiff then this can be a problem and you will pull sinkers and not have even contact with your bait.

When trying to land a big fish on the sand do not stand directly in front of it, especially when it gets close in and in the wash as you will have to either gain and lose line or run backward and forward as fast as the fish washes or swims with the water to maintain even pressure and not bust off or get slack line. This is particularly difficult in the dark. To avoid this you should fight the fish from an angle to one side so that it is swinging on a radius up and down the sand and the waves can wash it up. 

I always fish with a rod length (12') of mono leader above the swivel that the sinker could run on. I have a piece of rubber band tied on the leader as a stopper knot about half a metre above the sinker so it cant slide all the way up the leader. This is for a few reasons, It stops the bait and sinker separating too much during a cast, stops them separating in the surf. It also stops the sinker getting anywhere near the braid and because the line is kept tight while you are waiting for a bite and there is 12' of mono leader, the braid does not ever rub on the sand because it is only really close to the bottom near the sinker. People might say that if there was a steep sandbank a fair distance out and the fish went out over it and down into the gutter then the braid would rub on the sand bank, while this is technically correct in theory i have never had it happen as most of the time you are fishing deep gutters nearly at your feet and the jewies tend to run up and down parallel to the beach, not straight out. If it goes straight out at a steady pace and keeps going it is probably chompy or possibly ray so it probably doesn't matter if he busts you off on the sand bank.

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The Lethal 100 is much more strongly built than the 80 and smaller sizes, particularly with respect to the gearing. This is probably good enough reason to go for the 100 model. It would not hurt to have more line capacity either. Remember you might have cast  close to 100m and maybe lost a bit of line over time to tangles or break- offs. This doesn't leave a huge amount left to play a fish if you started off with only 300m of 20 lb line.

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20 hours ago, mrsswordfisherman said:

Crossfire63 how about you explain that comment. It is not helpful to anyone. Discuss why you think that statement is rubbish.

Hi Donna

Its pretty simple. Big Jewies do not have a hard boney mouth or top pallet which makes it hard to set the hook. Most jewfish will hook themselves with just a bit of gentle pressure or even just on the pressure of the drag which makes the statement by "Gold Member" "Jewhunter" complete rubbish . Violent striking trying to set the hook will more often than not rip the bait out of the fishes mouth.

He's obviously mistaking Jewfish for Marlin or Tarpon which probably have then hardest mouths of any fish but are not often caught off the beaches of NSW.

With all due respect members should be encouraged to make statements of fact not fanciful notions.




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On 14/12/2016 at 6:25 PM, Crossfire63 said:



On 12/12/2016 at 2:14 PM, cos said:

Likewise. I'm just curious if there is any advantage to using mono in the surf?

So many people swear by it. 

1) Blue bottles stick to braid like super glue which will give you no amount of grief on a beach at night when you handle your line even though you cant see a blue bottle attached to it.

2) When using braid every movement of your rod tip means a similar amount of movement of your sinker, so unless you bury a grapnel sinker your bait and sinker will at some stage end up out of the fishing zone and back on the beach.

3) As you get a fish closer to the beach there is less give in the system so you'd better remember to back the drag off to sop the fish from throwing the hook.

4) Even top quality 8 strand braid isn't very abrasion resistant


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Mono is less prone to tangles (already mentioned). Simpler rigging (no need for complicated leaders and knots). With the right sinker and line combination you can just tie your rig to the main line with mono. 

With some of my outfits I have used braid as backing to boost line capacity, but use 100 + m of mono at the business end.  


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