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Bizarre Day @Port Stephens


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G'day raiders,

Just a quick report as I finally managed to get out today with mate Dom. We headed for broughton in a wind blown choppy sea knowing it was going to improve. Past the new kingfish pens that are anchored half way. Started approaching the island and Dom calls "marlin"! A free jumper 50m off our bow. We watch it's ariel display for a while and notice bait balls everywhere. Strange as the water temp showing 19.2deg. Bizarre! 

Collected bait and hit cod rock! Anchored up, berley trail and the fish started coming in. Trouble was they were mostly 29.5cm snapper! Managed a legal, then a blue mowie, a heap of trevally (one kept for sashimi). Made a move to the sisters and the weather was now in our favour. Anchored up, berley trail and the fish started coming. This time we boated a heap of different fish in the same trail, amberjack, tailor, snapper and then I pull up a pearl perch??? In all the years I've fished there never have I caught a pearly, just legal! Then I pull another but bigger! Bizarre! 

I also nearly cut my finger off whilst filleting a slimie but managed to wrap it up and fish on! Stitches can wait until tomorrow! :( 

Anyway, got a feed and got to wet a line! So happy days! 


Cheers scratchie!!!

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Try a bit of superglue on the cut next time! I always carry a tube in the first aid kit, it's the same stuff they use in surgery (cyanoacrylate or methylacrylate).

Especially if you are a long way from a doctor, superglue is great as it keeps it shut and seals well to keep nasties out. Just give the cut a good clean first.

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Pearly mate , wow good fish, taste good? Lobster, perch, Kings, whiting, flaty, marlin, dollys, Jew, green eyes etc etc.... U r spoilt up there ! Leave some for me I'm heading up mid jan. Keep the reports coming bud! 

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Nice mix there  Scratchie nice to see pearlies making a comeback up there too. Once in plague proportions hopefully again. I have an interesting pic of the bathymetry surrounding Broughton.  Some very interesting spots on it. Well done. The jack looks the same size as the  ones we get off Sydney.

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Cheers guys! It was nice to be on the water and wetting a line.

For those traveling up during Xmas, beware of the howling nor'easter most afternoons. It makes the entrance to the bay very choppy with an exiting tide. 

Cheers scratchie!!! 

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44 minutes ago, Raymondo said:

What are the king fish pens Scratchie, are they fish traps or something?

No mate, they are commercial pens like they do with tuna. They've stocked 11,000 rat kings in each pen! What a shame if they all got out! Lol. 22,000 extra kingfish for the Bay Area! It will be interesting to see over summer what extra fish they attract. Basically 2 massive fads that get fed tonnes of bait each day!!! Can't wait, bring on summer!!! 

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6 hours ago, Raymondo said:

Thats interesting, so there farming them. Wonder how "storm proof" the pens are. How far offshore are they positioned? Will be interesting to hear how it affects fishing in the area, keep us posted. 

Not far off shore. 30-40m deep about 6km from the heads and 2km from shore! 

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