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Am I doing something wrong?


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Hi all

I was hoping to get some help from you guys. 

Just wondering if I am doing something wrong as the title implies in regards to beach fishing. 

Yesterday afternoon (12/1/17) I went to narrabeen beach planning to fish the high tide at 9.30pm. 2hrs either side of the tide. 

I picked my spot which had a nice gutter about 20mtrs from shore. 

I set my gear up which is a 15 foot nitro Frankenstein rod with 20lbs braid and 20lbs leader on a shimano Sedona fe 4000

Bait of choice was chicken marinated in garlic and soy sauce (coles) and I had tuna pellets as berley. 

Fished from 7.30pm-10.30pm with out a bite. 

There were a few other guys fishing there too, but didn't look like they were catching either.

Just want to know if i am doing something wrong?


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Fishing's like that!

Been out a number of times since Christmas at my favourite haunts, right tide, right wind, live poddies for bait ....... nothing.

I reckon that's even more so for beach fishing. Just the same, whilst your tides seem good I reckon your 20lb leader might be a bit heavy and maybe get some fresh beach worms for bait. They catch just about anything. This time of year off the beach whiting are probably the bread and butter with the odd bream and flathead thrown in for good measure.

So maybe fish a little lighter with different bait might see you do a little better.


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Guest Guest123456789

I went out yesterday for a donut. It happens to all of us.

that said I hate chicken as a bait generally. I know bream eat it but bream eat anything.

i also like two rods from the beach, a heavy and a light one.

but it might not have made any difference - if the fish aren't there or they're not biting there's nothing you can do.

what you did catch was experience, and that's valuable.

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Throw that chicken in the pan and eat it yourself. Buy some striped tuna for bait and try again. Also fish from just before sunset into a couple of hours of dark and if you get a fresh salmon or tailor try using some of it for bait. Stay away from wire traces.


Edited by JonD
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Guest Guest123456789
15 minutes ago, JonD said:

Through that chicken in the pan and eat it yourself. Buy some striped tuna for bait and try again. Also fish from just before sunset into a couple of hours of dark and if you get a fresh salmon or tailor try using some of it for bait. Stay away from wire traces.


Lol - I'm sure over the centuries at narrabeen there's been a bush turkey or wild chicken that got hot and went for a swim and then had a heart attack and the fish ate it. Not sure it happens that often though.....

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2 hours ago, flatheadluke said:

Lol - I'm sure over the centuries at narrabeen there's been a bush turkey or wild chicken that got hot and went for a swim and then had a heart attack and the fish ate it. Not sure it happens that often though.....

I love the thinking Luke but stranger things have happened!

A good friend of mine only fishes with his secret dough mix off the beach (also not in a fish's diet) and has done a lot better than me (using fresh king worms) on many occasions.

Also I'm not sure polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is in a fish's diet yet there have been some fantastic catches on Gulp SP's.

My advice would be to keep trying and learning from what worked, what didn't and keeping track of the conditions when you have a good haul (wind, tide, month, bait, swell, water depth & flow, moon etc).

As mentioned above in the summer time live / fresh / properly preserved worms are the go. Many other baits are still great however worms will catch a variety of fish and for me, they have a better catch rate than any other bait during the warmer months off the beach.

In my area the whiting have been consistent over many years, not the most prized fish yet with a couple of elbow slappers you get a nice feed to share with the family.

Cheers, James


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Guest Guest123456789
15 minutes ago, RexSenior said:

I love the thinking Luke but stranger things have happened!

A good friend of mine only fishes with his secret dough mix off the beach (also not in a fish's diet) and has done a lot better than me (using fresh king worms) on many occasions.

Also I'm not sure polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is in a fish's diet yet there have been some fantastic catches on Gulp SP's.

My advice would be to keep trying and learning from what worked, what didn't and keeping track of the conditions when you have a good haul (wind, tide, month, bait, swell, water depth & flow, moon etc).

As mentioned above in the summer time live / fresh / properly preserved worms are the go. Many other baits are still great however worms will catch a variety of fish and for me, they have a better catch rate than any other bait during the warmer months off the beach.

In my area the whiting have been consistent over many years, not the most prized fish yet with a couple of elbow slappers you get a nice feed to share with the family.

Cheers, James


Dough is very different to chicken. And a plastic lure in motion is very different to a bait anchored to the sea floor.

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25 minutes ago, flatheadluke said:

Dough is very different to chicken. And a plastic lure in motion is very different to a bait anchored to the sea floor.

Just adding my limited knowledge, trying to help - instead of talking about heart attacks and bush turkeys.

Let's keep on topic :)

Best of luck Fufu, let us know how you go next time.

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Guest Guest123456789
1 hour ago, RexSenior said:

Just adding my limited knowledge, trying to help - instead of talking about heart attacks and bush turkeys.

Let's keep on topic :)

Best of luck Fufu, let us know how you go next time.

You're saying I'm being unhelpful? Really??? No problem mate I'll stop contributing.

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9 hours ago, Koalaboi said:

Fishing's like that!

Been out a number of times since Christmas at my favourite haunts, right tide, right wind, live poddies for bait ....... nothing.

I reckon that's even more so for beach fishing. Just the same, whilst your tides seem good I reckon your 20lb leader might be a bit heavy and maybe get some fresh beach worms for bait. They catch just about anything. This time of year off the beach whiting are probably the bread and butter with the odd bream and flathead thrown in for good measure.

So maybe fish a little lighter with different bait might see you do a little better.



oh ok. I find beach worms are difficult to find live at tackle stores and I don't have any experience catching them either


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9 hours ago, Wellzy94 said:

Spot on. If it was called catching, it wouldn't be as fun! Everyone has their donut days.

That's true

Was I doing anything wrong though?

Or could I do anything better?


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7 hours ago, JonD said:

Throw that chicken in the pan and eat it yourself. Buy some striped tuna for bait and try again. Also fish from just before sunset into a couple of hours of dark and if you get a fresh salmon or tailor try using some of it for bait. Stay away from wire traces.


Striped tuna from the seafood store?


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Here is what I do to maximize the chances: My fishing sessions are usually rather short  1-1.5 hours at night (unless I  am targeting something big) . So, I usually prepare 2 or 3 baits without breaking the bank. It could be chicken, prawn, fish etc. I pre-cut them at home so no time is spent for that at the spot. I use 2 or 3 hooks rig in the beginning with different baits to find out what bait works for the day. Once I know what bait works  - I use it on the hook and use the rest of pre-cut baits for burleing. 

And there is no point to argue what bait is the best  - fish will always have its own opinion.


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Firstly you're NOT doing anything wrong. As mentioned numerous times, if the fish aren't there...you won't catch any. You could try a few DIFFERENT things though... Use a double paternoster rig and put on 2 different baits (more chance they will like one or the other).

                                                        Fish with a lighter leader, say 12 or 15lb.

                                                        Use 2 rods, set up differently

                                                        Fish early morning or late afternoon, evening (darkness often gives fish more "confidence" to go                                                         out seeking a feed

                                                        Don't despair, lose confidence or give up. Keep trying and we'll soon be reading of your                                                                     success.


Hang in mate, the rewards will be so much sweeter when they happen...and they will happen. Cheers, BN

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Hi Fufu,

You've got some great advice here.

Beach worms: they are the gun bait for beach fishing. Not easy to get but learning how to do it is as much fun as fishing with the added bonus of having some great baits. There plenty of advice on how to do it in the stickies at the top of this forum. Don't rush grabbing the worm, do it smooth and gentle.

Mullet fillets are a good standby bait and fresh pippies also work well though easy for fish to remove. Others include pilchards and garfish (salt down to keep), mackerel, bonito etc

Keep at it. A fisherman/gal who knows how to get their own fresh bait is always going to get the good bags eventually.

Rex's advice above is spot on.


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9 hours ago, savit said:

Here is what I do to maximize the chances: My fishing sessions are usually rather short  1-1.5 hours at night (unless I  am targeting something big) . So, I usually prepare 2 or 3 baits without breaking the bank. It could be chicken, prawn, fish etc. I pre-cut them at home so no time is spent for that at the spot. I use 2 or 3 hooks rig in the beginning with different baits to find out what bait works for the day. Once I know what bait works  - I use it on the hook and use the rest of pre-cut baits for burleing. 

And there is no point to argue what bait is the best  - fish will always have its own opinion.


Can such short sessions be productive?


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4 hours ago, big Neil said:

Firstly you're NOT doing anything wrong. As mentioned numerous times, if the fish aren't there...you won't catch any. You could try a few DIFFERENT things though... Use a double paternoster rig and put on 2 different baits (more chance they will like one or the other).

                                                        Fish with a lighter leader, say 12 or 15lb.

                                                        Use 2 rods, set up differently

                                                        Fish early morning or late afternoon, evening (darkness often gives fish more "confidence" to go                                                         out seeking a feed

                                                        Don't despair, lose confidence or give up. Keep trying and we'll soon be reading of your                                                                     success.


Hang in mate, the rewards will be so much sweeter when they happen...and they will happen. Cheers, BN

If I drop the leader size does that mean I can keep the main line at 20lbs?


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1 hour ago, Koalaboi said:

Hi Fufu,

You've got some great advice here.

Beach worms: they are the gun bait for beach fishing. Not easy to get but learning how to do it is as much fun as fishing with the added bonus of having some great baits. There plenty of advice on how to do it in the stickies at the top of this forum. Don't rush grabbing the worm, do it smooth and gentle.

Mullet fillets are a good standby bait and fresh pippies also work well though easy for fish to remove. Others include pilchards and garfish (salt down to keep), mackerel, bonito etc

Keep at it. A fisherman/gal who knows how to get their own fresh bait is always going to get the good bags eventually.

Rex's advice above is spot on.


I like the idea of mullet fillets

I've heard salting baits, while helps them stay on longer on the hook, also makes the bait lose its taste etc. I don't know how true this is


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10 hours ago, Fufu said:

Striped tuna from the seafood store?


You probably wouldn't find any at a seafood shop as it's not really considered a table fish due to its deep red strong tasting flesh. Most bait shops will have salted fillets in the freezer, buy minimum and use fresh fillets from the fish you catch on it.

As for fresh baits from seafood stores mullet is always a good tough bait that isn't going to fly off the hook while you cast in the dark, leaving you fishing with bare hooks without knowing. Personaly I scale mullet fillets and leave plenty of hook sticking out of the bait, if it's a thick piece of bait just put the hook through once.

I leave a bait a max of about fifteen mins and always put a fresh bait on every time I reel in even if the bait looks good, burley the bait you take off.

Yellow tail was also a good bait for Narrabeen when I used to target jewfish. As for blank nights on that beach, I can honestly say I've never had one but saying that I never fish flat calm conditions and prefer a bit of chop.

Be prepared to get spooled every now and then and hurry up back down there, I loved fishing the northern end of that beach.



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50 minutes ago, Fufu said:

If I drop the leader size does that mean I can keep the main line at 20lbs?


That's right Fufu. Probably a good idea is to have a swivel at the end of your main line and attach the two hook paternoster rig to the swivel (bottom side). If the fish are particularly finnicky or the water is fairly clear, it will help. Don't overlook the timing though...low light times are often a big advantage. Good luck mate, looking forward to seeing your results. BN

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