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Chiswick fishing update


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Hey fellas,


Went to check out Chiswick today at the last 1.5 hours of the run in and the first 1.5 of the run out

I used

4" zman minnows (opening night, electric chicken) 1/4 jig head 3

2.5" zman grubs (bloodworn) 1/4 jig head and tried 1/8 but was pretty windy

Pro cure mullet

Daiwa shinobi combo 2500

6lb braid and 7lb leader

(Not sure if its just the braid i have which is berkley fireline but at the end near the leader the braid looks like its slightly freyed and very light in color and its brand new)

Started where the posts are near the ferry wharf and flicked around there then under the wharf, got snagged a couple of times but never lost my gear.

After no results i went left of the rockwall and threw my sp while moving along until i came to the next concrete slab and stayed there for a bit.

Got a couple of little hits, i was determined but the older fellas fishing for luderick had no luck and this other bloke was there all day and had nothing so could have just been a bad day.

I used pro cure mullet on my sp and i felt like it made a difference  (if it did or didnt im not sure) but i could see little fish chasing it sometimes.

Used the 3 hop and pause technique, the slow roll, 2 hop and pause and about every combination i could think of lol.

New to SP but im veeeeeeery keen on getting good with them :)


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13 minutes ago, blackfish angler said:

Mate it is a good spot for Blackfish I have never used sp there but have seen guys with yaks using sp there .

Thanks buddy, im still pretty new to sydney to trying to suss out some good spots for a flick :)

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32 minutes ago, Anthonystrati said:


New to SP but im veeeeeeery keen on getting good with them :)


Stick with it mate and take good notice of what SP worked and in what conditions. One you work it out you'll ( pardon the pun ) be hooked.


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Nice to get out there nonetheless, some great weather we've been having if you can stand the wind!

Chiswick can be a great spot, I've fished the area for blackies a bunch of times and have found the take to vary considerably in different conditions. Wind seemed to be the worst!

Great report!

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