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Sydney Harbour Friday Feb 17


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Five of us started out with intention of getting bait in the harbour then going outside for kingies, dollies and snapper. We tried for squid at Dobroyd for zero. Tried across face of Middle Head and eventually got three. Decided to head for Artificial Reef for bait fish. Very tough conditions. Short steep seas and fast drift. Eventually the driver figured out how to drift through the bait balls and we had quite a few yakkas and slimies. 

Skipper  (me) decided it was very uncomfortable bordering on dangerous fishing conditions outside so we headed back into the harbour and anchored near the Western wedding cake. We landed a couple of rat kings on squid bait then hooked into a bream that was followed to the surface by a huge kingy around 1 metre. Unfortunately he was not interested in the live slimies we offered him, he seemed intent on the bream.

We then put the downriggers down and did some passes of the wedding cake and picked up another rat king. Tried same trick at the Eastern wedding cake for zero. 

With the weather looking nasty and a bad forecast coming on Ch 16 we decided to call it a day. 

Great crew, fun day but tough conditions. 



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The DPI fish smart App (FishSmart NSW) is the best and free app, i use it at all new spots including Port Stevens and Jervis Bay. Using the GPS on your phone it pin points you and lets you know what is and isnt allowed to be done in your location.

No guessing which point to which point or landmark is the exclusion zone.

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On 2/18/2017 at 8:32 PM, jeffb5.8 said:

Here is the map of the no invertebrates zone, can line fish for fin fish and no anchoring.

(Dark Green Area)



 don't think the piece about anchoring is right. I think they suggest you avoid anchoring in seagrass.

Edited by macman
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I was not aware of FishSmart NSW APP.... thanks jeffb5.8 !!   Very useful.  Perhaps there should be a section in the fora for us to document smart/useful proven boating related apps.



Edited by zmk1962
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Just now, macman said:

In 1982.


Opp's, never knew that... I knew that the area off the south end of Manly was protected but not inside. Someone in one of the fishing shop's recomended just inside quarentine point as a good squid spot. Just as well that I am crap at catching squid otherwise I might have got in trouble. :D

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22 hours ago, zmk1962 said:

I was not aware of FishSmart NSW APP.... thanks jeffb5.8 !!   Very useful.  Perhaps there should be a section in the fora for us to document smart/useful proven boating related apps.



I have that on my list to make a section devoted to apps and technology stuff.

How about someone make a post with a few apps and other members can keep adding. If it is successful we can make a sub - section

Anyone want to become a moderator on this section if we do it?

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