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First Murray Cod - and on fly!


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Hi everyone,

Its been a while since my last post, haven't been fishing so much lately. It's been a busy time between getting married, leaving Sydney and moving to a 100 acre farm, also starting up my own business and all with a 1.5 year old boy.

Anyway I had the chance to fish for Murray Cod the other week and so I jumped at it. For a long time I'd dreamed of catching one on fly so I only took a fly rod so I wouldn't be tempted to spin. I managed to get in 2 morning sessions and an afternoon session. I saw some activity each time but it was the afternoon session that will stay in my memory for a long time. 

We arrived just as the sun was behind some trees so we had around an hour of light left. I was fishing with a black gurgler - a foam popper on my 6wt setup. First cast and after a few pops there was a blup! and I was on! I was so excited and my heart was racing. After about 5 seconds I dropped it... damn. Oh well good start. It was great having my mate there with me this time to share the excitement. For the next few cast there were plenty of swirls behind my popper but the fish kept missing the hooks. Again I hooked up but this time only for 1 or 2 seconds before I lost him again. Frustrating but also encouraging. Altogether I must've had 12 - 15 swirls behind my popper which kept the excitement up. Next thing I was on again! This time after a short tussle I managed to land it. What a beautiful fish. I am so happy to have caught one of these amazing creatures and even happier that I managed it on fly. A few quick photos and he was released again.

I can't wait to have another crack at them sometime. It's given me some inspiration as well to try flyfishing for some local bass. When the manning river settles again after all this rain I will be giving it a crack.

Thanks for reading guys and girls.




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Let me be the first to congratulate you on your fantastic result Waz. What a beautiful looking specimen and it would have been really exciting getting it on fly gear. Loved the way you described the anticipation building up as you got follows and near hook ups before BANG. You'll be back! BN

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Thanks for the replies. Yes it was a lot of excitement and fun. 

Yeah  big changes mrs swordie. It's been very rewarding but also a lot of work. 

Yes the river is very muddy at the moment but we needed it to flush out all the weed, it was unfishable for quite a while

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10 hours ago, luderick -angler said:

Big Neil 

heres some professionally tied cod flies and my own home ties the block poppers are made from rubber thongs! 


Amazing! Much cheaper than $30 lures, too. Cheers, Royce. BN

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Cheers guys. Yep I'm thinking a trip up further north might be next, chasing some more murray cod. 

Cheers royce I will look into those frog flies and see if I can get my hands on some

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