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Botany Bay


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Hi everyone,

My two sons and I fished Botany bay on Tuesday. We had prawns, pilchards and chicken breast for bait.

We fished Yarra bay, Molli pt and the oil wharf. We managed a few fish from all locations. Yarra was best for

Bream, Molli pt produced a 43cm Trev a 79cm Flattie, and I lost a good snapper to a hungry seal who played with my easily

a keeper fish boat side. 

The oil wharf had Trevs, Tarwhine and Bonnies on offer along with a couple of keeper Flatties. There were also packs of garfish

around as well. I caught several on a sabiki rig with little bits of prawn on the hooks. I live baited the garfish under a float. Each

and everyone got bitten in half, but always just behind the hook. Changing the location of the hook made no difference, it would

always be missed by millimetres.

Here's some pics of the day. We had more than enough for a feed so released over 15 keepers mostly trevs and at least

another 15-20 undersize fish, mostly bream and the ever present baby snapper.






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8 hours ago, kiwibrown said:

Awesome catch. What do you think kept biting the livies and missing the hook. This happened to me in the weekend with yakkas. Tailor?

We managed to catch a Bonnie, on an unweighted pillie tail when this was happening, so I assume it was bonnies chomping down on the garfish.

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12 hours ago, mrsswordfisherman said:

What a day! Love the effort that went in with placement of fish in that haul for the pic :)

Thanks Donna. That was my kids work placing the fish like that.

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10 hours ago, Kingabruz said:

Nice catch mate. Good to see the bay is fishing well.

 I'm pretty sure I witnessed  the snapper and seal show. Gutted for you. 

I counted 7 seals on the wall and 4 on the drums. Most I've seen in the bay.


Hungry buggers they are. I only wish the seal had taken one of my undersize fish we threw back not a keeper.

He sure timed it well.



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17 hours ago, Kingabruz said:

Nice catch mate. Good to see the bay is fishing well.

 I'm pretty sure I witnessed  the snapper and seal show. Gutted for you. 

I counted 7 seals on the wall and 4 on the drums. Most I've seen in the bay.


Kingabruz, when you say the "wall: are you referring to Molli point?


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