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Port Hacking FAD + a Family Trip Friday 21/4/17


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The weather, family and fishing gods finely lined up again for me to get a chance to run wide and chase dolphin fish, haven't fished wide since mid February and this would be only my second trip for the season. Planned to be at the heads at first light but had to re-settle a child that I woke getting ready and than lost a bit more time chatting to a bloke at the petrol station, he had been looking at buying a bigger boat and had not come across Horizon boats before and had a few questions and wanted to have a look, always happy to talk boats so lost a bit more time there. Got to the Grays Point ramp just after 600 only one trailer in the carpark, love how quite the ramps get at this time of year.

Conditions where good, water in close was 20 degrees and green but increased to 25 and a great blue colour out wide, I was able to run out to the FAD at 4000-5000 RPM arrived at 7ish, first boat there. Cast out the first livie and it was immediately set upon by dozens of fish, solid hook up a quick fight and the first fish was in the esky. Ran back up and did it again 2nd fish in the esky, ran back up and tried again this time I missed the strike but got my livie back cast my now chewed livie and they would not touch it, I could see fish swimming up and looking at it but just not taking it, changed to a fresh livie and they smashed it straight away. Plenty of spectacular surface strikes with lit up fish smashing the livies. By now two other boats had turned up but without live bait they seemed to struggle only catching a few fish.

With 6 fish in the esky i decided to take advantage of the calm conditions and play around on lighter gear ( 8lb braid, 1500 size real, 3-6kg rod & 20lb leader). First cast the obvious happen and I hooked  slightly better fish. Had to lock up as I drifted past the FAD managed to keep him about 1 meter my side of the FAD after that I was in clear water and could enjoy the fight, he took most of the braid in a surface run and had to be chased, not easy on your own but made me thankful a don't have a bimini on the boat yet and could easily wind and drive, after that he went deep and took most of the line straight down. A fun 20min fight before I had him in the boat not a big fish but at 83cm and solid was my biggest of the day. Caught 1 more on the light gear before I had had enough and went for a troll, worked a current line inside the shelf till a ran out of time.

Conditions where still great and I could run home at speed. Plan was to meet my wife and kids at the ramp at 1100 and have a family day, unfortunately the one year olds morning sleep was an issue and my wife couldn't meet me, so I pulled the boat out and went home. The One year old woke at 1ish and we made the quick decision to cling wrap the sandwiches and go back out in the boat, swapped the big gear for the estuary and kiddies rods and went back to the ramp, re-lanched at 1330, still parking in the main carpark, love this time of year.

Went to Lilli Pilli and anchored up, no fish at the first spot but at least this gave us chance to eat our lunch. Moved the boat maybe 50m to the second spot and tried again this spot produced a magical hour or two for the family with constant bites and fish, I took a back seat to the fishing and mainly maintained the lines while my wife and 5 year old girl did most of the fishing, Got to the stage where the little girl was tired of pulling in fish and just wanted to net them. My wife enjoyed getting a chance to fish as I did more child care than normal and she fished more than normal, all fish were on 1 or 2 Kg outfits ( even my 5 year old girl uses 1kg pretest at times, although her fluoro pink rod has 2kg line) so all fish gave a good account of themselves. Ended up keeping 3 bream 31-33cm, 2 flathead mid 40's, 1 whiting and one blue swimmer crab and released a dozen or so fish close to legal or just over (didn't need any more fish). My wife also caught a shovel nose ray that I lifted on board for the kiddies to have a look at before releasing and had a big eagle ray cruising around the back of the boat for a while.

Pulled the boat out about 5ish and  went home, all in all a long day on the water but well worth it.

Thanks for reading








Edited by Oscarthebeagle
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On Saturday, April 22, 2017 at 9:17 PM, GoingFishing said:

Mate thats a great report. Glad to see you got into a few with the family. 

those mahi are great size. I did a couple of trips to the FADs this year and couldnt tempt a bite on any !!! Even with livies, were u using yakkkas or slimies?


Hi sorry for the delay getting back to you, Sometimes life gets in the way.

Thanks all for reading and your comments.

Fish were caught on live yellowtail. Fished unweighted on 50lb trace, i find if the fish are there but not bighting i start dropping Down the trace line to encourage a take, happy to fish as light as 12lb trace on a circle hook to get a bite.

Season is over for me now, time to target other species.

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