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Wanda beach 23/4,24/4


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Made a 3 hour beach session each on Saturday and Sunday night.

Saturday was a group event with 4 of us trying to manage 2 rods. Later the other 3 decided to have a walk so that I can concentrate on my fishing. Kept two tailor caught ealier of the night and donated one to a shark, and the other was demolished by a bigger tailor which was landed. Come home with 4 fish with total count of 13 when we finished the session at 8 o'clock 


Sunday was a solo trip with an aim to catch tailor and use as bait. Arrived at about 5 pm and found the beach was packed. Caught a few small tailor all about 20cm. Without a keeper tailor for bait I had to keep going with my pilchard. Along the way trying for tailor, I caught two flathead with the larger one went 48 cm. On my last pilchard I finally caught a keeper tailor but this one was too big and it was 8 o'clock and a bit so packed up with three fish came home with me. The trip did not come to the plan. I might give it another go tonight if not tired out during the day's work.






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Made to the beach 15 min to 8. Caught a keeper tailor at the first cast. Baited with a big fillet @8:05 ; within the last hour and half, there was not even a touch. There is not much wave, just smaller ones with long period. Too quiet.  I will give it another 15 min and then go home. 



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